Re Human Day 25

Valentin Perez
Re Human
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2018

Re-inventing ourselves is the most important skill nowadays. I’m re-inventing myself by improving in 15 areas at a time. This post is part of my Re Human project.

How do I spend my time? When I’m not working on my startup or doing a Re Human activity (below) I LOVE spending time scouring the internet for juicy content. It’s how I relax (or actually gain energy) and what I default to. Today I went on a rabbit hole and found this awesome reflection based on the writings from a cave wall painting in southern Tunisia more than 300,000 years ago.

Daily Habits

Books: I’ve been listening to The Dream Machine. Some notes:

Every day, Lidricker’s father asked him and his sister: what did you do today that was altruistic, creative, or educational?

The web is just hyperlinks.

Communication Elements (for any communication, by Shannon, father of Information Theory):

  • Information source
  • Transmitter (voice, telephone): transforms message into signal suitable for transmission
  • Communication channel (air, wire)
  • Receiver: reconstructs message
  • Destination

Information Theory is what unified communication, computation, and control. So important, we called our time the Information Age.

Re Human Extended Activity: Thursdays is Music Production.

Even though this is one of the areas I most desire to become great at, it’s one of the hardest to get started on practicing. The trick is to be aware of that mental “barrier” and decide to cross it.

Today I found more sounds in Splice and put them together into something that didn’t sound too bad!!! Felt excited. Posted it as a “snippet” on Soundcloud so you could check it out.

Writing: This post, code, and a daily thought.

Fitness: Today I was able to sustain the human flag from one side (I’m better on one side than the other) for around 2 seconds. Progress. Also felt a little better on handstands — but still fall in like 3 seconds.

Meditation: Today I decided to experiment. My mom had gifted me a device called “Muse headband” that “senses” brain waves for meditation, and gives you feedback on how calm your mind is based on the intensity of a rain in a forest — and if you stay in the “deep calm” state for a while, you start hearing birds. I had tried it a couple of times when my mom gave it to me but hadn’t continued using it because I have to calibrate it every time I use it. But today I decided to try it again. It was cool — I experimented with making my mind calm or more chaotic and the rain intensity (and birds) did seem to be correlated — especially when I opened my eyes; the rain started pouring much harder because my mind was going through more thoughts.

Piano: Today in Flowkey I continued their Chord accompaniment for beginners course.

Soccer trick juggling: Still working on juggles and consistency of around the world.

Connections, takeaways and Ideas for tomorrow

I feel that when I’m writing these, I’m talking with a friend (Hi John!!! haha). And myself (also a friend!).

Also, just continued on my internet rabbit hole and I found this awesome quote, so I decided to edit this post (had just posted) and add it:

“Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing” —Theodore Roosevelt

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Valentin Perez
Re Human

Co-Founder of I love to understand to create to understand. Learning 15 skills every week.