Normal Shmormal

Normal is in the eye of the beholder.

Josh Waggoner
3 min readJun 2, 2017



What’s normal for you, may be vastly abnormal for someone else (and vise versa). Flying might be normal for you, but some people wouldn’t even put their left picky toe on a plane. Stepping up on stage might be normal for you but make others melt into a puddle of fear and embarrassment even thinking about it. Playing guitar, writing, dancing — every facet of our lives combine into one big amalgamation of what normal means to you.

Same thing applies to groups. Your groups verbal tenacity and things you enjoy discussing are more than likely completely different from the next dinner table over.


When you begin to learn something new, you are stepping out of your normal zone. When you continue to progress, your idea of what normal means is no longer in the same place as someone starting out (a pair of shoes you were in not so long ago). If the Internet was a camera, then the world would be the show freaks and geeks. We all have different interests and opinions and that’s okay. Just because you watch a lot of reality tv doesn’t mean I can make fun of you. (well.. maybe a little :) Reality tv is normal to you.


Seeking mastery and a Renaissance Life is far from normal, unless you are surrounded by people (like me) after the same thing.

After taking BOLD action towards a goal, it’s good to pause and see how far you’ve improved from the mainstreams normal. ‘Wait, you don’t know how to use illustrator? … ‘you’ve never heard of Simon Sinek?’ … ‘What do you mean you don’t have a blog?’ … 😜

The more we step towards change, the less conventionally normal we become. Which is not a bad thing at all. In fact, as we continue to change and pursue our ideals, we become more unique and influential.

‘Wow, I’ve trained myself into something unique, haven’t I?’

The more different you become the more your voice matters.

Some people won’t get you — because their idea of normal is different. But some people will, and those are the ones to connect with.

It’s also good to compare your current normal, to where you want to be. Make sure who inspires you and who you spend your time with matches up with that.

Stay Bold, Keep Pursuing,

— Josh Waggoner, + Normal Shmormal Draft 1 June 2, 2017

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