21212 Digital Accelerator

How we did the bridge between NYC — Rio de Janeiro and helped entrepreneurship grow in Brazil.

Renato Costa
4 min readOct 13, 2014

From 3 guys (and one lady) working from a penthouse to a 27 people team + hundreds of entrepreneurs working at a 650m2 shared space office in two countries.

21212's first office: heaven’s penthouse. Yes, I know. Look at this view! We had a very good inspiration to do our best every single day up there.

Wait wait wait. What the hell is 21212?

21212.com is a group of successful entrepreneurs and developers who believe passionately in the idea of accelerating digital startups in the Brazilian market

"Beyond its focus on digital projects, 21212’s biggest differential is its connection with the US, and most specifically with NYC – 21 is Rio’s area code and 212 is New York’s."


One of the series of videos that we developed there. Take a look at the pillars of our acceleration program in action.

Hmm, that sounds interesting.
And what did you do there?

Happy entrepreneurs proudly showing their first Canvas (Business Model Generation)

As a founding member at 21212.com – Brazil’s leading seed accelerator program – I started, recruited and coordinated the design and future product team.

I was also very hands-on and advised dozens of early-stage startups to design better products using lean and customer-oriented methodologies in order to grow their user base, generate more revenue and raise investment.

Daily problem solving and hands on approach

Product and Business team discussing one of our companies's wireframes that I developed in order to increase conversion rates
User flow development for one of 21212's first class companies
Structuring the first acceleration program. Jeez, a lot of work to do! And that was just the beginning…

Part of my job was to guarantee 21212's brand consistency on every demand across every kind of platform and to mentor and help companies to ask the right questions and test their hypothesis and best guesses — doing experiments and tons of A/B tests — in order to develop the best solution for the problem they were trying to solve.

Other important part was to preach the importance of UCD (User Centered Design) and the best practices to deliver a delight and remarkable experience for the end user.

Check below some of my most claimed presentations:

UX Introduction
10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design

Landing Pages
How to build an effective “Coming Soon” page

The right way to reach your customer’s inbox

I presented several workshops about UX Design, Landing Pages optimisations, A/B testing — and several Product Design subjects — to dozens of 21212 portfolio's startups

"Working with Renato was always a pleasure. He’s very goal oriented and pays attention to every detail. His front end skills are very rare to find on a single person, being able to conceptualize, draw and code in record time.
A quick learner who’s always looking for new challenges and learning new techniques."

Leonardo "Cyber", Movile and 21212 partner and tech guru


And, of course, you should be asking: Ok, Renato. What about the results achieved by all that amount of work and talking?

Well.. Just play the video below and enjoy.

Results achieved after 3 classes of companies and a lot of blood, sweat and tears
21212's team and entrepreneurs after it’s first Demo Day, back in 2012. Can you find me in the pic?

It’s all about the journey, they said…

21212 around the world: As we are all humans, after so many hours dedicated to achieve these awesome results, we deserve to relax a little bit, right?

After getting involved with a lot of inspiring companies and projects, I decided it was time to leave my role and start my entrepreneurship journey at Igluu, one of the startups from 21212's first class.

Read more below about my journey at Igluu

I’m a brazilian Designer & Entrepreneur specialized in Digital Projects, currently living and working in Amsterdam as a UX Designer at Booking.com.

If you want to know more about me, feel free to stalk my Linkedin profile or drop me an email at renatocesarcp@gmail.com

