Proof of Attendance Using REN

Chad Howard
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2018

Studies have shown that students display marked improvement in test scores when rewarded with a financial incentive to attend classes. With this simple metric in mind, a portion of REN will be minted by students attending class.

Pilot Program

Attendance will be taken daily by pre-certified teachers within a simple application which is linked to a classroom wallet loaded with REN. Each student will have a wallet address linked to their name and each time they are counted as present, they will receive a payout of 60 REN per hour of class. If a student is present for all classes in a given week, a bonus will be awarded.


If the pilot proves successful, the goal would be to expand the program to an entire school district. Each school would receive a block of REN equivalent to the number of students (n) times the number of hours of class time in the term (t) plus all possible bonus weeks(10w). When the term ends, any remaining ren (r) in the classroom wallets will be destroyed, thus increasing the value of the earned ren.

School Allocation of REN = n(t+10w)

Possible Issues

  • School hours and terms are not uniform — could possibly set the yearly block of REN allocated to the school to be uniform to the number of students. This, however, would change the REN payout per hour for each school.

Into the Future

The process of distributing REN and taking attendance could become automated by using an RFID sensor at the entrance to each classroom. A child’s wallet address could then replace a school ID. If a rewards for performance program is initiated, grades could be easily written on the blockchain as well as any degrees earned, creating a tamper-proof transcript for each student.

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