An Introduction to RNDR’s Advisors

A deep dive into the people helping to shape the future of RNDR

Render Network
Render Network
5 min readDec 11, 2020


Meet the advisors behind RNDR

While many understand that RNDR has created an efficient, powerful and widely-scalable rendering network most are unaware of just how essential our advisor team has been in the development of RNDR. It’s no simple thing to create a new paradigm in graphics or cloud technologies, but this unique and innovative blockchain project does just that, offering seamless opportunities for artists where the only limitation is their imagination.

Today we’d like to share some background on our amazing advisors, whose specialized knowledge and contributions have aided the growth of the RNDR ecosystem. With expertise in areas such as blockchain technology, economics, and the entertainment industry, these are the people that have, since the beginning, helped us in building the first ever decentralized GPU compute network.

RNDR advisors include:

  • J.J. Abrams
  • Brendan Eich
  • Ari Emanuel
  • George Gilder
  • Jennifer Zhu Scott
  • David Vorick

J.J. Abrams

J.J. Abrams, Chairman & CEO of Bad Robot Productions, is a renowned director, producer, screenwriter and actor known for films such as Mission: Impossible III (2006), Star Trek (2009), Super 8 (2011), Star Trek Into Darkness (2013), Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015), Star Wars: Episode IX (2019) and series such as Alias (2001–2006), Lost (co-creator, 2004–2010) and Fringe (co-creator, 2008–2013). As is evident from his filmography, Abrams has extensive experience in rendering and is well-versed in the use of visual computing in film. His perspective has been key in helping the RNDR team identify and clarify the needs and challenges of GPU processing for the media industry.

“As technology continues to become democratized — including the sort of remarkable results you can get with Octane — more diverse and unique stories will be told. Worlds, familiar and extraordinary, will be created and distributed in ways that could not have been imagined a decade ago.”

Brendan Eich

Brendan Eich is widely recognized for his enduring contributions to the Internet revolution. In 1995, Brendan invented JavaScript (ECMAScript), the Internet’s most widely used programming language. He went on to co-found the project in 1998, serving then as chief architect, and still serving as a board member of the Mozilla Foundation since its inception in 2003. Brendan helped launch the award-winning Firefox Web browser in November 2004 and Thunderbird e-mail client in December 2004. One of the most well known technologists worldwide, Brendan currently serves as the CEO and co-founder of Brave Browser and BAT (Basic Attention Token).

“As an advisor to OTOY since the beginning, I applaud their new architecture for transactions and security. The Render Token is by far the most interesting project that I’ve seen in the space, as there is already a vigorous market for the service, dominated by OTOY, that can be rationalized and harvested through blockchain technology. This project will revolutionize the way that 3D assets and their respective digital rights are transferred and distributed across people and entities. OTOY is transforming their state-of-the-art expertise for rendering into a decentralized network that will cater to a wider audience.”

Ari Emanuel

Fortune’s 2012 Business Person of the Year, Ariel Emanuel, the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of William Morris Endeavor IMG, represents an elite array of artists across every entertainment platform. With decades of experience, Ari is one of the most influential personalities shaping the entertainment industry, having redefined the role of traditional talent agencies from simple representation to the financing of content with a focus on Digital Rights Management (DRM).

“The Render Token project opens up a world of possibilities for entertainment companies to have a foolproof and reliable way to render and distribute their assets, virtual services and IP through the Blockchain. This represents immense value for users, as well as content creators — who have seen revenue fall and direct channels eroding year after year. It is clear to me that immersive computing is going to replace traditional media platforms and services. OTOY is making this happen years ahead of schedule.”

George Gilder

In his 1990 book, Life After Television, noted economist and techno-utopist George Gilder predicted the Internet, mobile and streaming revolutions. He foresaw traditional network television programming ending because of computers, digital video and fiber optics.

George Gilder, the Founder and Partner of The Gilder Technology Fund, is a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute in Seattle, Washington and is the Founder and Chairman of Gilder Publishing, LLC. He has been a Director of Wave Systems Corporation since 1993 and is a Member of its Executive Committee. George served as a Director of K12 Inc. and was the Chairman of the Lehrman Institute Economic Roundtable. George is the author of several books, including Life after Television, Microcosm, The Spirit of Enterprise, Wealth and Poverty and Telecosm. He is also a contributing editor to Forbes Magazine and was the recipient of the White House award for Entrepreneurial Excellence from President Reagan.

“The Render Token project is by far the most interesting project that I’ve seen in the space, as there is already a vigorous market for the service that can be rationalized and harvested through blockchain technology.”

Jennifer Zhu Scott

With a degree in Applied Mathematics and an MBA in Finance, Jennifer Zhu Scott completed her academic profile with the public policy and leadership program at Yale. She co-founded one of the first education companies in China before moving to the UK as a senior advisor to the education subsidiary of Daily Mail & General Trust. She’s the Founding Principal at Radian Partners and Radian Blockchain Ventures, an investment community that focuses on private investments in artificial intelligence and the blockchain for family offices and UHNWIs, applying blockchain technology to scale climate-change-related projects (such as solar infrastructure and carbon credit trading). Jennifer is a member of the World Economic Forum and a Council Member at the Future of Blockchain Council.

“In a world where originality, creativity, and deep talent don’t always come from the most obvious places, the Render Token can bring cutting edge rendering tools to empower content creators and users. In BRIC countries and other emerging markets, the decentralized nature of this blockchain technology makes the RNDR network’s impact exponential. The dawn of a new form of creative economy is here, and here to stay”.

David Vorick

The contributions of David Vorick, CEO and founder of Sia, towards reinventing cloud storage through blockchain technology has opened up new possibilities for the computing industry, and created a necessary storage layer to a distributed cloud storage market. David has been active in the Bitcoin space since 2011, when he studied Computer Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and worked as a software developer at IBM for a year, where he contributed in upgrading the TPF operating system. He then co-founded the Nebulous in 2014 during his senior year, who currently serves as the parent company of Sia

“The past decade has seen the emergence of numerous disruptive marketplaces, and the product being built at RNDR is bringing that same power to the rendering industry. At Sia, we’re honored to be able to assist RNDR with their goals by providing a storage solution for the projects and renderings that move through the RNDR network.”

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