Behind the Network (BTN): July 1st, 2022

Highlighting the key points and moments from the latest Render Network Community Q&A!

Render Network
Render Network
4 min readJul 1, 2022


Last week Jules Urbach joined Multicoin Capital’s Kyle Samani and Shayon Sengupta on a Waitroom Q&A with members of the Render Network community to field community questions. This is planned as the first of a recurring series of Waitroom sessions between the Render Network and various partners and community members, as an important feedback process in the Render Network’s community governance.

During this session the community put forth some questions on the direction of the Render Network, the role of the recently released RNPs, as well as some comments by Jules, Kyle and Shayon on topics ranging from Tokenomics to resource allocation. Let’s dive in:

“Why RNPs?”

With the launch of the Render Network Proposal (RNP) system earlier this month, questions have been coming from the community as to what the future of the network looks like and how these RNPs may factor into it.

The short answer is that the RNP system is setting the groundwork for the future of governance in the Render Network. What RNPs (and to a larger extent, partnering with groups like Multicoin) allow for is for the Render Network to create an entity outside of OTOY, separate from the body of OTOY, that will handle the running of the Render Network.

While the RNP process is very much in its early stages, having only launched under a month ago, it has already seen a number of suggested improvements and questions directed towards it. As Jules said to the community members present at the beginning of the Q&A session:

“The [RNP] review process is currently set up so there’s not endless back and forth for review, but it’s [the process] open to change and interpretation.”

“When are we going to see new Tokenomics?”

One of the most frequently asked questions from the community is “when are we going to see updated Tokenomics?” Like a lot of cryptocurrency networks that have been in operation for a long period of time with a significant pool of everyday users, changing network structure, economics, and governance requires careful calibration in order not to disrupt the functioning of the ecosystem. While the Network has certainly not remained stagnant and has seen updates such as the shift to L2 payments, changing the underlying tokenomics affects all aspects of the network, so it is being done methodically taking into account best practices learned over the years from other utility based networks. That being said, expect something on the near horizon.

Since joining up with the Render Network, Multicoin has been an invaluable partner for building out the future of the Render Network. Among their members, Shayon and Kyle have both been essential in assessing the landscape of the Metaverse and where the Network will fit into that.

Part of that future, as Kyle and Shayon both echoed last week, is transitioning the network to something that is community driven.

“Once the broader community consensus models are in place, then the tokenomics can be decided on as a community as to what is reasonable.”

The beginnings of this community tokenomics model are already beginning to fall into place with the creations of RNP-001 and RNP-002, both designed to address fundamental aspects of the network and token operations.

“How are resources allocated in the Render Network?”

Resources, in time, personnel and money have often been a point of interest from the community towards the core Render Network team. Over the last few months, one of the chief targets has been “why has there been so much put towards the ORBX exporter?”

Ultimately the goal of the Render Network is to be a cornerstone of creation for users, and part of that is making the experience as frictionless as possible. As Jules put it:

“When we want to get everyone on the [Render] network, we need to make sure that the process of using the network is bulletproof from a user experience.”

That’s why one of the top priorities of late has been continuous improvements to the ORBX exporter framework, so that anyone from tablet users to professional studios are able to create, export and render on the network as seamlessly as possible.

As mentioned previously, the Render Network is working on native Cinema4D integration — and in the future UE, Blender and more. However, ORBX (and ITMF, its open source standard equivalent) will always be a baseline for render jobs, long term archiving of scene data for render archives and providing a continuous rendering distillation path for real-time and AI/NeRF rendering, ensuring that your renders don’t have third party dependencies, which may be deprecated in the future as companies and software change priorities. So it will always be an important part of providing persistent on-chain data for the open metaverse.

What’s next?

Be on the lookout across Render Network social channels for an announcement about the next Waitroom session!

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Render Network
Render Network Render Network is the first blockchain GPU rendering network & 3D marketplace.