Behind the Network (BTN): October 14th, 2022

Render Network
Render Network
Published in
4 min readOct 14, 2022

Last week the final vote on RNP-000 (v2), the first Render Network Proposal which outlined the proposal system itself, concluded with the ratification of the Render Network Proposal system, paving the way for future changes to the Network to be enacted. With that system now established, earlier this week the first community Snapshot vote on RNP-001 (v2) concluded, with ~1.7m RNDR cast in approval of the BME proposal moving forward to internal Render Network team review. For all those that have participated in the process, or those who have recently joined and are learning the process, the Render Network team would like to outline what this means and what comes next over the coming weeks.

Next Steps

As per the RNP process outlined in RNP-000, RNP-001 (which we’ll refer to as BME for clarity going forward) will be moving onto the Internal Review phase. What this means is that the BME proposal will be reviewed by the internal Render Network team. This includes the community moderators, technical advisors, blockchain, network developers, and prior community feedback during the RNP process. The team will take up to the next 21 days to review the proposal, assessing the potential impact that the RNP will have on the Network if implemented as is, compiling a list of suggested changes, as well as development time and projected costs. During this review period, as part of the community governance process, the team will be reviewing comments made from the Render Network community during the initial proposal phase, making sure to factor in community feedback into the brief.

Areas of Focus for Render Network Review

During the review period, the team will be assessing RNP-001(v2) for a number of key areas:


The BME model’s incentives need to advance the operation of a multi-sided network at scale with minimal or no manual human intervention. Therefore, the BME will have to offer mechanisms that provide complementary effects between supply and demand, where both scale in tandem avoiding zero-sum adversity between participants.


The BME should include mechanisms for achieving equilibrium under a variety of network conditions necessary for providing a stable and reliable computing utility. It should provide absorbers and other mechanisms for achieving equilibrium in more extreme outlier conditions. For example, the BME should have mechanisms to handle rapid spikes in demand as well as handle a variety of long-tail volatility circumstances.


The BME model will have to be capable of accommodating a wide variety of applications created on top of the Render Network, enabling a diverse pool of artists and developers to access fundamental infrastructure and services for building the open metaverse. Some important services — in addition to decentralized rendering — are streaming frameworks, SDK services for a wider variety of GPU computing tasks like AI training, as well as digital rights management (DRM) tools for complex 3D assets — including geometry, textures, shaders, scripts, and AI models.


An essential element of the RNP process is developing a platform for increased community ownership and participation in the evolution of the Render Network. Therefore, RNP-001 should be structured to increase decentralization of network ownership and provide incentives for sustained, long-term community development.

After the 21-day review period has ended, a public brief will be released on the Render Network community channels and Render Network Github. This brief will conclude whether the BME proposal will go onto the next stage, which is becoming a “Live Pending RNP”; if it passes the internal vote and becomes a “Live Pending RNP”, the proposal will be subject to another public Snapshot vote the following Wednesday, which will determine if it is approved for implementation on the Network. This brief may include suggested or conditional changes, that either can or MUST be implemented into the proposal before it can be moved on.

What this means for the Network

At the moment, no changes will occur on the Network. Though the BME proposal will be moving onto internal review, this does not mean any work will be done on the proposal unless it has been fully approved in the final Snapshot vote. As a Network user simply keep an eye out on the Render Network social channels and communities for news on the brief’s release and the subsequent Snapshot vote if it moves forward to that stage.

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Render Network
Render Network Render Network is the first blockchain GPU rendering network & 3D marketplace.