Q1 RNDR Beta Update + GTC/GDC 2019 Summary

Render Network
Render Network
Published in
4 min readMar 30, 2019


The RNDR Network has been in a closed Beta since the beginning of November. We have since invited a select group of 60 Genesis members to stress test the network from the artist and miner side. With their valuable feedback, we have been iterating to improve the functionality of the network and more importantly, create a stable network for both sides. The RNDR team would like to share some statistics from the decentralized testing process and what our next goals are regarding Beta invites and our transition to main net.

January to February

  • Total render time (minutes): 120770
  • Frames rendered: 61061
  • Frames failed: 1465
  • Frame success rate: 97.6%
  • Most concurrent nodes on the network: 11
  • # of miners: 35
  • # of artists: 3

February to March

  • Total render time (minutes): 114879
  • Frames rendered: 82992
  • Frames failed: 3800
  • Frame success rate: 95.4% [Note: The decrease in success rate was expected as we added more complex scenes for stress testing]
  • Most concurrent nodes on the network: 25
  • # of miners: 53
  • # of artists: 7

Recent RNDR Development Updates

  • Decentralized rendering Jobs are running on both the node and client side with automated intelligent assignment of frames to nodes on the network.
  • Job allocation process now utilizes efficient asset management to save network resources. These include reusing assets that are already held in local node memory, creating 2–3x speed improvements in many scenes. RNDR also holds job data and assets in memory up to usable RAM limit in order to quickly render repeat work.

Client / Miner Side Development

  • Optimized downloader to parallelize downloads and validation checks
  • GPU temperature and RAM graphs visualized for each GPU on RNDR
  • Preliminary Scoring Algorithms for intelligent assignment optimization
  • Stability improvements: improved RAM usage and memory security

Node / Artist Side Development

  • Transition from Job Based to User Based Escrow so that Artists can run multiple RNDR jobs bypassing Metamask, reducing Gas fees
  • Frame and Batch Approval for rapid job validation and payment
  • Improved Frame Preview / Approval Flow and display of Job Status
  • Improved calculation of RNDR Usage based on work performed and Statistics around node and job life-cycles.
  • Accounting: auto-approval preventing delays in miner payout, accounting section for artists to track RNDR usage over time

Next week we will be releasing an update about our plans for releasing the RNDR Genesis Mainnet, as well as a roadmap update.

We would like to thank our beta testers for being helpful in this process. The RNDR client (miner side) has been improving on a daily basis and we are excited to open it up for the public release shortly. In the coming weeks, we are expanding artist testing as additional security features are implemented.

The next goal for RNDR Network is gradually scaling the user-base both the miner and artist side. With that in mind, we will be inviting all remaining Genesis token holders to the network later in April.

After that, we will be inviting batches of users from the Beta list. This plan will allow us to continue improving the network in a phased approach.

GTC | GDC 2019 Update

OTOY and RNDR were at GTC 2019 and GDC 2019 where CEO Jules Urbach spoke about exciting new Octane 2019 features highlighted by a new Octane RTX Vulkan back-end. You can watch a video of the slides below and read this article from The Street summarizing of a panel Jules Urbach joined with other industry leaders discussing the revolution in real-time raytracing.

OctaneRender 2019 GTC Presentation slides

Below is a more detailed summary of major GTC releases:

  • Octane RTX | Vulkan — the first build of Octane2019 with experimental support for ray tracing hardware acceleration using the NVIDIA RTX platform introduced in the new NVIDIA Turing GPU architecture.
  • OctaneRender 2019.1 XB1OSL and procedural vertex displacement, new rounded edges, OSL Volume shaders, bloom/glare thresholding, improved volume AI denoiser, composite material node and Octane’s biggest ever material overhaul: layered materials.
  • OTOY is Launch Partner in NVIDIA Creator Ready Driver Program — OctaneRender 2019.2 announced as one of the first RTX Accelerated Apps in launch of the NVIDIA Creator Ready Driver Program optimized for RTX
  • RTX OctaneBench 2019— A preview of the OctaneBench 2019 update allowing Octane users to benchmark the maximum possible speed boost Octane will get from RTX-acceleration in Turing RTX GPUs. This an experimental version of OctaneBench with updates planned for 2019.
  • Summary of GTC slides — with key features discussed in more detail

Finally, check out a more detailed beta update from our technical contributor Janne Saviranta! And stay posted on our subreddit for weekly updates.

Join the Rendering Revolution!

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