Render Network Request For Compute (BTN: Friday, June 16th, 2023)

Render Network
Render Network
Published in
6 min readJun 16, 2023
The Render Foundation Releases a Request For Compute:

The Render Network has demonstrated its commitment to providing high-quality and efficient decentralized rendering solutions for users across the globe with millions of frames rendered and hours of distributed GPU network uptime. The potential of the Render Network, though, has always extended beyond pure rendering use cases. Today, we’re excited to announce the implementation of a new process to further network growth: Request For Compute (RFC).

RFC is specifically designed to drive network usage with the support of the Render Network Foundation team. By opening up a process to understand compute demand and serve it, Render Network’s RFC is the first step towards supporting an expanded set of use cases on the network by directly engaging with customers interested in Render Network’s compute network. With RFC, the Render Network Foundation team hopes to serve new use applications in AI, virtual reality, big data, and more.

In the RFC process, users submit technical information about their workload. This information will help the Foundation understand user needs for supporting other forms of computing on the network.

The Request For Compute Process

To start the process, users submit a form specifying resource needs, expected project outcomes, timelines, and other important metrics for the proposed job. Once received, the Foundation Team works closely with users to analyze requirements, recommend specific compute resources, and plan successful outcomes for these GPU resource-intensive tasks.

Highlights for the process include:

  1. Submit proposals outlining the main goals, technical requirements, and potential benefits of enabling specific compute use cases on Render Network’s infrastructure.
  2. The submitted proposals will be evaluated, and selected projects will gain access to work one-on-one with the Render Network Foundation Team to optimize job-processing demands.
  3. The Foundation Team will offer expert guidance and support throughout the collaboration process to fine-tune various capabilities that align with the unique requirements of the proposed projects.

Submit Your Request

If you’re interested in processing jobs on the Render Network, fill out the form below:

Creator Spotlight: Jakub Malec AKA Sergeposters

Borderless by Sergeposters on Superrare

In the ever-evolving field of 3D art, a true pioneer by the name of Jakub Malec (also known as SergePosters) has emerged. With an exceptional talent for incorporating gradients into his breathtaking visuals, Jakub has begun to make a name for himself. Unbound by convention, his artistic journey fearlessly embraces groundbreaking ideas, defying the norm. This exclusive feature covers the creative journey, background, artistic approach, sources of inspiration, and exciting future of the 3D artist.

Jakub Malec, AKA SergePosters

The Path to 3D Immersion

Jakub’s personal evolution into the world of 3D started as an experiment in 2018 when he began taking on daily poster challenges. It wasn’t until 2020 that he fully embraced the boundless possibilities and made the transition from 2D to all that 3D had to offer. Since then, he has dedicated himself wholeheartedly to 3D, unlocking its limitless potential and breaking free from the limitations of 2D.

“I went fully into 3D back in 2020 and I have kept that direction until today. There is just so much potential and freedom with 3D world building that 2D can’t get.”

The Art of Vibrant Gradients

The use of gradients has become synonymous with Jakub’s artistic brand. It’s his passion and signature style. In sharing insights into his meticulous process, he unveils the steps he takes to achieve his distinct looks:

“Whether it’s Megascan, GSG material, or something else I pretty much always play with custom textures, even a photo-scanned rock can get a gradient touch. In Octane, the key is to mix HDRI with ‘light paint’ (basically area light with color).

Of course, in the end, I do color correction and tweaking in Photoshop to get the final retro vibe gradient look.”

Inspirations and Artistic Toolkit

Jakub draws inspiration from other fellow artists and visionaries who have left a mark on his creative journey. The likes of Peter Tarka, Alycia Rainaud, Jonathan Quintin (Madebystudiojq), and Vasjen Katro have shaped and continue to play a role in the development of his artistic perspective.

Vasjen Katro’s work (Left) and Jakub’s work (Right) for comparison

Jakub’s go-to assets and references include: Greyscalegorilla Plus, Megascans, X-Particles, Forester, and the magical world of Kitbash 3D.

The Dive into NFTs

Jakub’s move into the world of NFTs and blockchain digital art took him by surprise. Inspired by the work of Quintin (@Madebystudiojq), he decided to venture into platforms such as Rarible, Foundation, and eventually SuperRare.

“I’ve decided to give it a try on Rarible and Foundation (was among the first 500 artists there lol). It took me like 2 years to finally join SuperRare and my journey still continues.”

Despite the challenges in the current market, Jakub cherishes the friendships he has formed and continues to be captivated by the boundless possibilities that NFTs hold for the future.

Constant Innovation through Collaboration

Jakub emphasized the significance of life learning as an artist, constantly leaping into new programs, techniques, and motion projects. Collaboration, particularly with talented individuals like Dominik Guembel, Rik Oostenbroek, Arc4g, KollectiveGG was something Jakub valued. By valuing relationships, Jakub has been able to enjoy unique opportunities and privileges, such as having his artwork displayed on the International Space Station (ISS).

The Render Network and Creative Workflow

Jakub expressed how The Render Network has significantly improved his creative workflow, sharing his personal experience as a long-time user of Octane.

“I love Octane and I am using it for years, so good to get noticed by people behind it”

The artist mainly depends on his personal computer to create still images, but he emphasizes the simplicity and positive outcomes he achieved using the Render Network for two recent animation projects.

“Great experience, and very easy to use but since most of my pieces were stills I’ve rendered them on my humble old PC. Now when I am trying to focus on more motion projects I think RNDR [Render Network] will be an obvious choice.”

Art Spotlight Interest Form

In the coming weeks the Render Foundation is opening a survey for artists on the Render Network to submit work for future showcases. If you want your work to be featured in upcoming showcases, spotlights, and on the Render Foundation website, be on the lookout for a new release survey.

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