RNDR — Day 1: Let there be light…

By Jules Urbach

Render Network
Render Network
5 min readOct 7, 2017


What an incredible first day for RNDR.

We are humbled and moved by all of you — friends and strangers, artists and miners, users and fans — who supported RNDR in those first minutes, hours and days following the opening of the token sale to pre-registered users. We just passed 3150 ETH — which we are committing towards building the RNDR network. This project is going to happen, and you helped launch it.

As early backers, you are now and forever connected to the first 1 million dollars worth of RNDR tokens issued on the blockchain. The blockchain ordinality and timestamp of RNDR token transfer to your wallet, even a small amount, is going to have a huge role to play post-token sale (as those who read my blog post “RNDR: A Photon Driven Economy” may already know — see additional details below).

With the amount of RNDR issued, we have enough to immediately start work on Phase 1. This begins right now.

Our team has just put out a first test release of the ORBX launcher and system tray applet (for Windows 7 and higher), which will be used to test and deploy RNDR app stream modules. This includes the headless version of Octane and OctaneBench. The latter will be needed for GPU miners to enable RNDR work — in under 6 seconds.

Here is the link* for everyone to try out:


*Note: A/V systems and firewalls may block the launcher right now — we will be working to address through Phase 1. We want to get all feedback/reports from users on Reddit so we can look into these cases.

You may also notice, we posted more than just Octane and OctaneBench app streams on this web page. The full version of Blender (packed into an ORBX module with Octane plug-in) can also be launched from the page:

This is powerful stuff.

The ORBX app streaming system we have built for RNDR, which will support Windows, Mac, Linux and Android, delivers full blown 3D applications from a web link — without the complexity of using a docker container, or a VM. You can think of this as a blockchain based equivalent of “Steam” (or the App store) — but decentralized and fully platform agnostic.

In fact, to ensure the latter is always true, when an ORBX app stream is accessed from a platform that doesn’t have the ORBX launcher to run it locally, it can still run on a remote node on the RNDR network and be delivered as a pure ORBX.js HTML5 live stream (see home.otoy.com -> cloud demos menu for a live example of Blender streaming to the OTOY home page in pure HTML5).

What is awesome about the flexibility of RNDR application publishing is that you, as a developer, can assign RNDR token usage costs to access an applet stream and earn money as its creator, no matter how or where it gets used.

While no GPU on record actually does <2 Octane Bench, non-GPU RNDR applet module usage can be valued at about 1 OB over 16 continuous hours. We could use this system ourselves to move Octane from monthly subscriptions ($20/month for 2 GPUs) to a RNDR-based token usage model that is much more granular and frictionless. Anyone can do the same for their own applications or modules built on top of the ORBX SDK.

Decentralized governance of the Metaverse through the RNDR blockchain ledger

Governance and generation of future rules that determine operations on the RNDR network matter — even for us, as its creators. We expect the RNDR network to thrive indefinitely and securely well into the future, in tandem with the blockchain.

This demands that we encode as many of the base fundamental laws of how RNDR functions into the blockchain ledger itself, where possible. In practice, we will use the early placement and token size of the RUDF wallet, issued at finalization of the token sale, to serve as the transactional singularity that defines the “big bang” point from which all other fundamental forces on the RNDR network itself follow.

We will use this aspect of the system going forward to let the blockchain determine and validate any updates we want to make to core operations through the RUDF wallet (rather than using a fiat decree off chain). For example, this will allow the RUDF wallet’s origin and token weight on the blockchain ledger to publish new versions of OctaneBench from Phase 1 onwards.

From a trusted 3rd party app or module developer’s perspective, the earliest RNDR token shards following RUDF’s wallet will be used to validate modules and app streams built on the lowest level ORBX APIs, just slightly above the sandbox used to run Octane and OctaneBench on the RNDR network from RUDF wallet shards.

By Phase 4, a shard of a RNDR token spent by a wallet of an early long term token holder will be decisively favorable in resolving real time rules of ownership baked into rendered media. For example, owning the primary and most desired instance of a virtual object, based on things like uniqueness, scale, composition or socialization rules — with all else being equal (e.g. a coin toss), is determined by the RNDR wallet ordinality weight.

The weight of a RNDR wallet’s ordinality and power, as derived from the blockchain ledger (prior to the finalization of the Token Sale), is calculated from several metrics, listed in order of importance below:

  1. The placement of the wallet’s first transaction on the ledger, relative to the number of RNDR transactions on the ledger to date
  2. The RNDR tokens issued to this wallet, relative to the RNDR tokens issued prior to this transaction
  3. The timestamp of the transaction

This means that the weight a wallet that gets 1 RNDR as the 3rd transaction, following 1 and 1 RNDR in transactions 1 & 2, has a relative weight of ⅓ RNDR ordinality. This could be similar to a 1000 RNDR token issuance coming much later, after 2000 RNDR tokens — but because the total transaction count is 1000x higher, the weight of this ⅓ RNDR ordinality metric is less than the earlier one achieved on the RNDR blockchain ledger.

Just like a slice of spacetime, filled with grainy vacuum fluctuations of the early universe when it was the size of a marble, would later determine the destiny of galaxy clusters 10 million light years in diameter — early “primordial” RNDR wallet ordinality will play a similarly outsized role: It will shape macroscopic qualia, content, and ownership transactional value in the blockchain-based metaverse created with RNDR.

