RNDR Genesis Mainnet Preview

The RNDR Team is happy to release the Genesis Mainnet - this blog post provides more information about the Genesis release

Render Network
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2019


Overview of Genesis Mainnet

As of the Genesis Mainnet Release, the RNDR Network will be migrating from the Ethereum Ropsten Testnet to the Ethereum Mainnet. As a result, all work on the network will be done using fully functional RNDR Tokens. To date, since Phase I in early 2018, users have been able to redeem RNDR Tokens for GPU Compute tasks on the OctaneRender Cloud (ORC) network for production GPU rendering. Additionally, on the Ethereum peer-to-peer Testnet, we have processed almost a half a million frames with over a hundred forty users testing decentralized rendering. With the Genesis Mainnet release, RNDR Tokens are now available for production decentralized GPU rendering

Highlighted Features of Genesis Mainnet Release:

  • Full integration of OctaneRender 2018.1.3 into the Render Client. This enables users to perform rendering tasks without resolution constraints for final frame rendering on a decentralized peer-to-peer GPU network. The client can render PNG, EXR, multilayer EXR, and deep image outputs — as well as multi-pass jobs with all passes uploaded.
  • Node Regions that allow decentralized GPU nodes to be clustered efficiently to serve decentralized rendering demand. Regions also allow node tiering for Higher and Lower priority rendering work, enabling users to optimize their preferences for speed, security, performance, and cost.
  • Encryption to enable the secure asset distribution across a decentralized network, with encrypted uploading and downloading. When you upload an ORBX file, the scene file is encrypted and stays that way at rest.
  • Additional features can be viewed in prior RNDR Token Update Blog Posts

Beginning today, we will begin a process inviting artists to join the Genesis Mainnet release. The invitations will be sequenced in phases in the coming weeks. We will be providing artists with RNDR Tokens for rendering without watermarks or resolution constraints.

Overview of Using the Genesis Mainnet and FAQ

To assist using the network and to answer common questions, please consult the Genesis Mainnet FAQ and website FAQ. Below are walk-through videos demonstrating how Artists and Miners can use the network.

Artist depositing RNDR tokens into their account

After adding RNDR tokens into an account, artists will be ready to upload scenes on the network and render jobs. Below the walk-through shows the process of setting up job parameters and rendering a scene.

Artist configuring job settings and rendering on the network

While the job is being rendered an artist can view watermarked previews (both small and full size) and approve frames. Artists can also approve frames individually or in batches at the completion of a job. Unwatermarked frames cannot be downloaded until a job is completed and approved.

Artist approving successfully completed frames

Once frames are approved, Tokens used for the job are released to the miner processing the job. If a frame fails, it will be automatically reassigned to a new node. Please see our Genesis Mainnet FAQ for more information on this.

Artist downloading completed and approved frames in PNG format

Frames can be downloaded individually or in batches of frame ranges.

Miner benchmarking their node configuration using the Render Client

If a node changes its configuration, the Render client will run a benchmark test to re-calibrate its OctaneBench score for processing renders.

Miner processing a rendering task for an artist on the network

We are thrilled for the Genesis Mainnet release and are excited to see users try out the first fully featured decentralized GPU rendering network. In the coming weeks, we will be releasing additional information about the Genesis Mainnet, including the Multi-Tier cost and priority options that are built on the Regions system released in this Genesis Mainnet.

Finally, in order to use the Mainnet, please remember to migrate your tokens from the old RNDR contract to the new contract in order to use the network. You can read instructions here. We also will begin notifying users that have not yet migrated as well as include update notifications in the interface.

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