RNDR Token Sale Update: Token Finalization is now October 12th!

Dear RNDR Community,

Render Network
Render Network


We deeply appreciate the passionate support and contributions from every early backer of RNDR — you are a foundational part of all that is to come. It has been moving and humbling to watch so many of you proudly posting images of your Render Token purchases on Twitter and Facebook.

This is a reflection of the amazing community that has evolved in the last month around RNDR. We have grassroots backing and support for a long term vision that is inspiring to see in this space.

Jules’ “Let There Be Light” post on our first day was apt — we have created something incredibly special. All of us know the impact this is going to have across the blockchain — from miners, to creators, to consumers. Every step we take from this point going forward will be in service of our shared long term vision, and the value that getting there delivers to all involved in the genesis of the RNDR network.

To that end, we are finalizing the “Genesis” phase of this token sale on October 12th, in time to link RNDR to two major product launches in October (Octane Studio, Octane Creator — both with ORC access and Unity integration, and heavily marketed). In tandem to this, we are focusing on accelerating Phase 1 on top of what we have created so far.

The Phase 1 RNDR client we released publicly to all users on October 6th is working great in terms of ease of use, stability, and, interestingly, full blown app launching (which was a stretch goal). We also have the RNDR community building support forums for miners and testers, just days into this process.

RNDR, by design, is a mintable token, giving RNDR the flexibility to spread sequential token sales (short of the hard cap) around product and development milestones. This is going to maximize the utility and validation of RNDR in a way few other token systems can match. We believe real productization between token sales — when achievable (as in our case) — will end up being a fundamental aspect of successful utility token sales now and in the future.

As we focus our resources on expanding Phase 1, the development team will continue deploying features demonstrating the full power unlocked by RNDR as it matures. The app streaming ecosystem (now live) and ordinality ranking of early RNDR wallets, as explained in Jules’ blog, are two such examples. More are coming, including partnerships and product launches with ecosystem partners such as BAT (with a Brave.orbx module for the RNDR launcher, in place of our current CEF module).

We are also in the process of connecting to disruptive decentralized data, service and storage blockchain networks that will inter-operate with RNDR in order to completely obviate the need for centralized cloud services.

Next Steps

The remaining days left prior to finalization of this initial token sale on October 12th, 11:59 PM UTC, will provide users time to register and participate in the sale before we lock everything down and get to work on this next phase of development.

As Jules explained, all participants in the initial token sale are ranked based on the computed ordinality of their wallets at the time of RNDR token issuance (see included graphic below of top 20 wallets to date). Bracketing the time of the token sale maximizes this formula; ordinality is normalized based on the total span of this sale prior to finalization.

Top 20 Wallets — Raw $RNDR Ordinality Power (as of 10/9/2017)

By participating in this initial token sale, you are guaranteed entry in the beta testing portion of Phase II. In addition, job priority during beta testing will be partially weighted by the RNDR wallet ordinality that is assigned to contributors during this token sale (when all other job procurement variables are equal).

We expect that future sales will happen after the utility of the token is well tested. It is also reasonable to expect OctaneBench work per RNDR token to scale beyond what is possible today, as GPU rendering efficiency continues to progress (as it has with every new GPGPU chipset architecture introduced since 2006).

RNDR product development will leverage and work in concert with the incredible RNDR community that has formed around its inception, as we all continue to work together to evangelize and spread awareness through the blockchain community.

Thank you for being part of this amazing journey, and empowering RNDR to reach its ultimate potential!

- RNDR Team

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