Demystifying LoRAs: What are they and how are they used in Stable Diffusion?

Shyanne Barretto
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2023
Images generated without (left) and with (right) the ‘Detail Slider’ LoRA

Recent advancements in Stable Diffusion are among the most fascinating in the rapidly changing field of AI technology. It is a revolutionary way to produce remarkably lifelike and imaginative images, changing the game in the field of image generation.

LoRAs — Learnable, Reversible, and Adjustable operations — are among the most exciting implementations of this ground-breaking technology. In this article, we’re going to unravel the mysteries of LoRAs and their vital role in the enchanting realm of Stable Diffusion.

So, what exactly are LoRAs?

As their name implies, LoRAs are a class of mathematical operations crucial to neural networks. These operations are fundamental components of generative models, such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), which form the basis of picture synthesis and other creative applications.

LORA fine-tunes the cross-attention layers (the QKV parts of the U-Net noise predictor). (Figure from Stable Diffusion paper.)

Let’s dissect the three LoRA components:

Learnable: LoRAs are flexible; as a result, during training, their parameters change, improving the network’s capacity for efficient data manipulation.

Reversible: LoRAs’ brilliance lies in their capacity to reverse any action, enabling exact modifications to be made to the way images are generated without causing data loss.

Adjustable: LoRAs provide fine-grained control, making it possible to make exact, subtle adjustments to images.

LoRAs in the world of Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion makes use of models, also known as checkpoints, to turn text into images. While you can have purpose built checkpoints to, say, create photoreal or anime images for example, they tend to be multi-purpose due to the massive and varied datasets they are trained on.

LoRAs, on the other hand, are a kind of smaller model (that have to be used in conjunction with a checkpoint) which allow you to impart a particular style to the image or create a specific character in your generated picture.

They are trained for a very specific purpose and excel at it.

So you might have a model like MeinaMix which generates stellar anime-style digital art. And you can use a LoRA like Studio Ghibli which, you guessed it, helps MeinaMix generate images in the style of the animation from the famed studio.

Using LoRAs in Stable Diffusion

If a LoRA is available in the Stable Diffusion generator of your choice (Automatic1111, comfyUI,, you can use it by simply entering its associated trigger word/phrase in the prompt box.

The Lego LoRA, for example, helps you create Lego objects and characters by adding this to the prompt:


Let’s see an example of generating images with and without this LoRA:

A batman figure generated without the Lego LoRA on RenderNet
A batman figure generated with the Lego LoRA on RenderNet

All LoRAs are called in this format. The syntax is fairly straightforward:

<lora: name: weight>

‘name’ is the name of the LoRA model. In this case it is “lego_v2.0_XL_32”.

The number at the end is the weight or emphasis of the LoRA being applied. The default is 1 but you can change the weight depending on the results you’re seeing. Setting the weight to 0 disables the model.

To increase the weight, it’s recommended to do so in increments of 0.1 or 0.2 because increasing it 2 will certainly interfere with the image being generated.

And that’s all! Now you know what LoRAs are and how they are used to improve or alter images being generated in Stable Diffusion. Head over to if you want to give it a shot (for free!)

