For Immediate Release

Sentient Speak
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2023

14th July 2023

Dear Rendezverse Community,

As the CEO of Rendezverse, I feel it is my responsibility to share an important update regarding our project and the journey we have embarked on together.

In 2020, fueled by a strong belief in our vision and your overwhelming support, we raised funds through a pre-sale of our tokens, NGAGE. It has been a challenging two years since then, as we navigated economic uncertainties and endeavored to build a thriving business. We’ve achieved some significant milestones, such as launching our innovative app on the Quest Store and investing our efforts in bringing major clients on board.

Regrettably, despite our continuous efforts, we’ve faced some significant setbacks. Acquiring large clients and generating the traction we aspired to have been more challenging than we initially predicted. Due to these circumstances, our resources have been depleted and we’ve come to the difficult decision of pausing to re-evaluate our position.

I want to be clear — while this hasn’t been the outcome we’ve envisioned, this does not mean that we’re giving up. We’re still holding discussions with potential big clients in the UAE and there are hopes of breathing new life into our project.

However, to honour our contractual obligations under the SAFT, we have decided to distribute the NGAGE tokens to our pre-sale investors. We’ve chosen not to establish liquidity pools to avoid instigating a potential crash of the token value. Nevertheless, we strongly encourage and support the peer-to-peer trading of NGAGE tokens for those who wish to do so.

The token distribution will take place Thursday 20th July and posted on our medium blog for transparency. It will also include the tokens that were purchased through GPool.

Our transparency and commitment to all of you remains unwavering and I want to express my sincere gratitude to each one of you for your support and patience. Together, we have faced challenges, celebrated milestones, and learned valuable lessons.

Thank you for believing in us and for being a part of our journey.

With warm regards,

Spencer Tarring

CEO, Rendezverse

Any questions may be directed to

