Why RendezVerse will Succeed and the Problems it will Solve.

Sentient Speak
Published in
5 min readJan 5, 2022

With hundreds of new projects in the crypto space why should you trust RendezVerse and why is RendezVerse even necessary?

Today we look at three key advantages that RendezVerse has in order to solve the modern day problems of the events industry.

RendezVerse advantages to succeed in the corporate metaverse:

  1. The Team:

The team behind the project has decades of experience of successfully innovating in the B2B events business. They have led with new business practices and developed new software apps to optimize business processes and outcomes. They have an unrivaled understanding of the business and a network of contacts that has been nurtured over the years.

2. Existing Technology:

RendezVerse already has an AI scheduling algorithm for matchmaking at B2B events. This will form the basis of its Serendipity Engine. This algorithm will learn in real-time from attendee interactions to optimise connection suggestions to produce the most profitable outcomes from attending an event.

3. If you’re not first, you’re last:

Early mover advantage with vision, purpose, and passion. This is very much a “not if, but when” scenario. The events industry has demonstrated a huge appetite for exploring digital event solutions in the past few years, but at present, solutions are underwhelming. The first operator to get this right will take the lion’s share.

Now we know how, let’s get to the why? Here are the problems RendezVerse will solve:

Problem — Events are inefficient on people’s time. Wandering around the halls of a trade show or a large industry conference.

Solution — Our proprietary tech ensures that everyone meets their top matches in their given time at an event.

Problem — Events and conferences are terrible for the environment.

Solution — Events that take place in the metaverse have no flight, no hotel stays and a very small carbon footprint.

Problem — Events are inefficient on costs. For a company to attend an international trade show they need to fly staff in from all over the world, house and feed them, rent floor space, build and finally take down their physical presence.

Solution — An event in the metaverse will require a fraction of this expense for the same result for companies; to meet buyers of their products and services.

Problem — Industry conferences are essential, but they can be dry and one-dimensional.

Solution — Conferences held in the metaverse can be fully immersive and interactive events that can be experienced from your own desk.

Problem — It’s impossible or very expensive to show your products to buyers in many industries. Think hotels, property developments, planes, trains and automobiles, the list goes on and on…

Solution — In the metaverse, you can take a travel agent on a VR tour of your hotel in Mexico or have a virtual tour of an off-plan apartment in a property development in Shanghai. There are almost endless examples of how this feature of RendezVerse can help with product sampling.

In closing let’s refer to the words of RendezVerse Founder and CEO, Peter Gould on the key drivers of metaverse adoption for events:

  • VR and AR technologies are just about to go mainstream. If you have had a VR headset on in the last six months, you’ll know how amazing these experiences are, both visually and experientially.
  • Next generation of headsets are just about to be released. Let’s be honest, the wearable technologies required today are a little clunky. However, 2022 will see a super cycle of product releases from Apple, Google, Microsoft, Meta and new entrants. VR headsets will get better, cheaper, lighter and more powerful. These pieces of hardware will eventually merge with your smartphone and computer. Within a few years everyone in business will have one.
  • Some products and content are just better suited to being shown in the metaverse. Especially products that are far away and hard to move (holidays, experiences, real estate, boats, heavy machinery etc) or products that are in development. Also conference content can be brought to life, no more flat powerpoints for bored audiences to sit through.
  • VR content is going to become much easier and cheaper to produce. New VR development technologies are driving this. Within a few years having web 2.0 content will be unacceptable for B2B communications.
  • VR will be on your desktop as part of MS Office or OS. See Microsoft Mesh beta in Teams. Your avatar will soon be on your desktop, ready to join any meeting in the metaverse at a moment’s notice.
  • Mass adoption of 5G will enable a mobile Web3.0
  • 3D is better than 2D, just like colour is better than black and white!

Hopefully this has answered some of the questions as to why RendezVerse will be a leading force in the corporate metaverse. If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to get in touch via our channels below.

About RendezVerse:

RendezVerse is leveraging Web 3.0 technologies to transform how the business-to-business events industry will operate. Bringing significant time and cost savings, resilience to travel disruption, AI-powered meeting recommendations, and the ability to achieve carbon Net Zero for the events industry, the RendezVerse answers a number of challenges that have plagued the events industry for years.

Social Media Links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rendezverseai

Telegram: https://t.me/rendezverse

IG: https://www.instagram.com/rendezverse

Media Contact:

Email: James@gamesta.ai

Web: https://rendezverse.com

White Paper: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e6uxJsHJ9Hy7iEUO-aMspaUMu6WgF_nQlVnZsZkQM-w/edit

