7 Tools To Help Use Video On Social Media

Peter Schroeder
Published in
5 min readJan 9, 2017

If you want to step up your game on social media in 2017, you will need to get onboard with video.

Not only is video the type of content your audience craves, but it is the one they respond to as well.

Whether it is a video you post or a live video, expect to see explosive engagement if you are not used to posting videos.

Here are a few stats on video to show the true power it has:

  • Between Snapchat (10 billion), Facebook (8 billion), and YouTube alone (4 billion), there are 22 billion daily video views.
  • When you use video on social media, your audience is 10 times more likely to engage with it in some way.
  • 1 minute of video is equivalent to 1.8 million words to your audience.
  • 1/3 of all online activity is spent watching video.
  • 80% of users recall a video ad they have viewed online in the past month.

I think you get the picture here. Video is a big deal and you need to be utilizing it.

We Understand Video Can Be Challenging, So Here Are Some Tools To Help.

1) RendrFX

RendrFX is video creation made simple. If you want to get video out on your social media channels consistently, then RendrFX is the way to go.

RendrFX offers unlimited video creation in an easy to create fashion.

By giving you artist designed ‘templates’ all you need to do is go in and swap media files to create your own amazing videos. They offer 300+ templates and over half a million stock media files (photos, videos, and audio).

Get started today for free at http://www.rendrfx.com/social-video

2) Buffer

Once you create an awesome video, it can be a challenge to go to every social media site, write a description, and post a video.

Buffer can help you distribute your video across all of your social media platforms from one central location.

One place, one description, one post, massive distribution potential.

Get started today for free at https://buffer.com/

3) Camtasia

If you need a tool to do screen recordings for demos or anything else, Camtasia more than gets the job done.

With an easy to record screen record feature, and an easier to use video editing platform, they make it easy to create high quality videos.

Get started today for free at https://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.html

4) iMovie / Windows Movie Maker

The tried and true never fails and iMovie / Windows Movie Maker is exactly that — tried and true.

The video editing softwares which comes preinstalled on most computers have been a staple in video editing since their creation.

If you are looking to create simple, straightforward, budget friendly videos on your own, then iMovie / Windows Movie Maker will work perfect for you!

iMovie — http://www.apple.com/imovie/

Windows Movie Maker — https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/14220/windows-movie-maker-download

5) Adobe After Effects

If you are looking to take you video editing to the next level and move up from iMovie / Windows Movie Maker, Adobe After Effects is the way to go.

It is what the professional video editors use to create their videos. There is an endless amount of customization and editing feature to choose from.

Don’t choose this option on a whim. It will be an investment in regard to money and time. It is expensive and requires a steep learning curve.

The financial setback is heavy, but the learning is the real challenge. It can take years to become fluent in this program. We would only recommend this option to the most advanced video editors.

Learn more about it here — http://www.adobe.com/products/aftereffects.html

6) Giphy

This isn’t quite a video tool, but GIF’s rock right?!

If you want to incorporate GIF’s into anything you are doing, Giphy has a GIF to match any mood you want to set.

Whether you are looking for animated cats, or cool GIF logo’s for companies, Giphy has it all! (We used Giphy for all the GIF’s in this post.)

You can also turn any video you have into a GIF post on your social media accounts!

Use it for free at — http://giphy.com/

7) Buzzsumo

If you want to create videos, but don’t know what to write about Buzzsumo is a helpful tool.

You can loop up the most popular articles by keyword to get idea about what to create a video about.

There are a lot of articles and not many videos, so consider making a video about popular topics you find that preformed well.

Buzzsumo can also help you with finding what to title your videos. See popular headlines from similar articles and follow the titling format.

Get started for free today at — http://buzzsumo.com/


The need for video is apparent. Now the goal is to find a way to create it in a budget practical and time efficient manner.

If you want more information on how to create and distribute videos for social media, download the free ebook we created here!

Good luck in 2017 and may you go on to create amazingly viral videos!

About the Author

Peter Schroeder is the Digital Marketing / Social Media / Growth Manager at RendrFX.

Peter is the Swiss army knife of RendrFX, executing on everything from customer service to business development.

He also writes on Medium and you can follow him here.



Peter Schroeder

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