Why You Need Ego Strength To Accomplish Your Goals

C.J. Greene
Renewed Mind
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2023



Your ego is the part of you that knows who you are, what you want and how to get there.

When it’s healthy, your ego can help keep you on track when things get tough and guide you toward success.

But sometimes our egos can become too big or too small for our own good — and that’s when we need to work on making them stronger in order to reach our goals and feel good about ourselves.

The importance of ego strength.

Ego strength is a key component of self-esteem, which is the confidence you have in your own abilities.

A person with high self-esteem believes that they are worthy and valuable as an individual. They feel good about themselves and don’t need to rely on others’ approval or praise to validate their worthiness.

Ego strength also plays an important role in self-confidence — the belief that you can accomplish what you set out to do.

Without ego strength, it’s difficult for people to think positively about themselves or their ability to succeed at something new or challenging (even if they actually are capable).

This can lead them down paths where they give up too early because they assume failure before giving…



C.J. Greene
Renewed Mind

Psychotherapist in the CT area. Husband. Life long learner. Motivator. Follower of Christ. Co-Founder of Renewed Mind Therapy.