Why Jesus Shared His Wounds With Others

Many of us have been hiding what others most need to see.

Marc Simon
Renewing our Minds


“Put your hand into the wound in my side. Stop doubting and believe!” (John 20:27)

It always amazes me how freely Jesus invited others into the places where he was most wounded. Even after being raised from death, his hands and body still bore the marks of his prior suffering, and the evidence of his previous trauma.

On the evening of the first day on which he rose, John tells us that he appeared to his disciples, offered them the customary greeting (“Shalom”), and then immediately began showing them the places where he was pierced.

All but Thomas are present, but when the others tell him what they have seen, he places a peculiar condition on his belief. He wants to see Jesus’ wounds for himself!

“Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” (Jn. 20:25)

This is important, because what Thomas is saying is that unless he sees the wounds Jesus incurred during his crucifixion he will not believe.

In other words, the appearance of a “perfect” Jesus — a Jesus without wounds, would not be enough to bring him to faith.



Marc Simon
Renewing our Minds

Husband and Father / Author / Pastor / Chaplain / Counselor