Game Engines: Fueling Web3 Gaming and Shaping the Metaverse’s Future

Rod Oliveira
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2023

In 2020, the gaming industry generated a staggering $180 billion in revenue, with projections indicating a value exceeding $200 billion during 2023. A critical component driving this success is the widespread adoption of sophisticated, user-friendly game engines that simplify game development. These engines have empowered millions of developers to create visually captivating realms, convey compelling narratives, and immerse players in novel worlds.

Beyond gaming, these engines are utilized across various industries such as film pre-visualization, automotive modeling, and architecture, offering unmatched design, simulation, and computing capabilities for creators. The pursuit of increased fidelity in digital environments is essential for constructing the future Metaverse, which will rely on extensive interconnectivity between millions of simultaneous users.

Understanding Game Engines

A game engine is a software framework or toolkit employed by developers to execute a game. It enables creators to integrate visuals, physics, rendering, scripting, collision detection, AI behaviors, and other functions into their games. Game engines allow developers to efficiently build high-quality games without the immense time and financial commitments needed to create the underlying game engine from the ground up.

Prominent game engines, responsible for the development of virtually all exceptional and popular titles ranging from simple indie games to complex AAA games, typically possess the following core features:

  1. Graphics: From basic 2D to intensive 3D rendering, leading engines can import files from third-party software, granting developers greater flexibility in their game’s visuals.
  2. Physics: In-game immersion and physics are accountable for solving motion equations and detecting collisions.
  3. Audio engine: This loads and plays sound and music files, including spoken dialogue, musical cues, object sounds, and ambient background music.
  4. Input: Engines transform player inputs, such as mouse clicks, mouse movements, key presses, and controller inputs, into in-game actions.
  5. Artificial Intelligence: AI is employed to adapt game environments to players’ reactions, with non-playable characters (NPCs) and pathfinding being the most common applications.
  6. Networking: Modern engines offer comprehensive networking frameworks for online multiplayer play and downloadable content, aiming to minimize latency between globally distributed clients.
  7. Graphical user interface: Game engines enable developers to design custom graphical user interfaces (GUIs) tailored to their game’s specific style.
  8. Scripts: Pre-existing scripts can be attached to objects in the game world to expedite development.

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Rod Oliveira

Passionate marketer and entrepreneur by day, dreamcatcher by night. A dude who writes about everything. Games, innovation, leadership, growth hacking and more.