reNFT Community Call #2

Published in
8 min readApr 16, 2021


14/04/2021 20:00 GMT

As part of reNFT’s community focus, the team decided after a brief period of reduced interaction to get the community engaged again. Recent weeks have seen the team hard at work and striving for the goals set in their initial article seen on Notion! This weeks Community Call was held on Discords platform, all chat history can be seen under “Calls Chat”.

Community Call
- Rarible integration
- Team Expansion & Community Participation
- Mainnet update
- The Mystery of the 3rd Utility
- Q&A

Rarible Integration:

If you saw our Tweet, you would know that we announced that our Rarible proposal had passed with retro colours! We will be fully integrating in to the Rarible platform to allow rentals. Super exciting! People will be able to put out there NFT’s for rental, additionally allowing users to mint rentable NFT’s. A new spin on a very established platform.

We are really appreciative to those of you who voted for this to happen, we are very pumped to begin integrating them. This should take about a month, maybe slightly more but the work will begin very soon!

*Cue applause from the audience*

Team Expansion & Community Participation:

As you may have seen we have put out our advert that we would like to onboard further developers. The Rarible funding has allowed us to level things up. Our current developers Naz & Sundeep, have been working intensely so this will allow us to share some work load. Check out our Front End Developer listing here. We have had a few applications but we feel it’s important to hire somebody who fits in line with the project. So please if you know of anybody suitable for the job then by all means give them a nudge in the reNFT direction.

We want to take this moment to address that absolutely anybody who wants to get involved, can! This can be as simple as contacting any of the Team members on Telegram or Discord. If you see something that you could help with or improve on then we welcome all ideas, proposals and solutions.

It was only 2 weeks ago that Sundeep contacted the Team, since then Sundeep has been coding nonstop, slotting into the team like a true reNFT coder. In fact, he has just dropped an update for MoonCats, now he’s helping on a current project that hopefully will be announced shortly.

On top of this, I (Naz) was communicating in the community channels how we can start utilising the skills of the community. Ralph contacted my self with a Notion document thats yet to be reviewed by the team but outlines a plan to have the community fill out a form highlighting skill sets of people that we could call upon when needed such as Marketing Content, Gifs etc. Right now however we ask that you simply reach out to us. If there is a way you see fit where you can help, we are open to lots of ideas, from Marketing Content to Full Development. Given that this is a full DAO approach all contributions will be rewarded.

Community Proposal Idea:

“Im Yawn, also known as Nemo in the Telegram. I act as a Community Moderator for reNFT. I’d like to go through an idea for a DAO proposal i have been working on. I have been putting together a proposal for the last week and a half which would be curated and sponsored by reNFT, an NFT museum. The idea being the DAO would be minting a NFT ticket similar to rehab Festival. Im trying to work on the utility based products for reNFT. The best thing about the reNFT community so far is the reaction to the utility of the AstroCat NFT. There has been a lot of price talk, which seems to be a focus currently! But the benefit of hanging out in the Discord + TG every one seems to believe in utilities. I have thought about making the AstroCat NFT act as a season pass, obviously original community may not have to purchase due to the airdrop. But i will be uploading an official proposal for this to reNFT Discourse proposal area in the coming week. Id like to ask if anyone has any further ideas or opinions on this to DM on TG or Discord.”

reNFTs Naz added to this saying that Luis had also thought about a similar idea, NFT Festivals! Both ideas tie in closely and we can expect Yawn, Naz & Luis to be in close contact from this. These ideas highlight that there are so many examples of criteria based events in real life that can be ported into blockchain, ie Museums, Gallery’s & Sponsored Artists.

Do you have an idea for a Proposal? Head over to the reNFT Discourse proposal section and tell us all about it! Not curated a full idea yet? Then simply discuss it openly in the socials. Two AstroCats are better than one….

Mainnet Update:

A hint was given, not sure if anybody picked this up, that Mainnet would be ready to go by the end of April. To date we are still on track for mainnet completion including testing. We are aiming for the first week of may for a true launch, a super exciting landmark right around the corner. We wanted to tease our User interface (UI), we’d love to hear your thoughts on this so comment in our socials your thoughts!


Big thanks to Luis who created this masterpiece, some hard work has really paid off!

The front end is predominantly finished, the contracts are complete, all that is left is integration testing to see that the front works effortlessly with the back end. Optimising for both NFT standard tokens. Batching ERC 1155 & 721’s can be expensive dependant on contract interaction, but here at reNFT we want you to do this ‘optimally’. We will be planning to build a ‘reNFT price estimate service’ which will allow you to estimate total gas fees taking into account : Transfer, deposit, withdraw etc. A global circular economical estimation! Truely caring for our community.

As the mainnet draws in closer we have plans to up the marketing, therefore if your reading this now, please consider your self early!

The AstroCat NFT Utility:

Viewable on Opensea :

On the 1st of April the first 2 AstroCat NFT utilities were announced :

  • Discounted Fee’s on NFT Rentals
  • Yield Boost in Liquidity Mining

Our next hint for our 3rd utility of the AstroCat NFT is……

It will involve the $RENT token.

More detailed articles to come on the utilities.

Open Question & Answers:

Are you planning to subsidize users with $rent rewards early on while we’re stuck with eth L1 fees?

There are some ideas circulating around this matter. We have a lot of interesting ways of hedging against this! More to come on this…

Thoughts on EIP 2615?

We are actually in the working group for EIP 2615, there are a lot of things in them that are super bloated that may prove near impossible on mainnet. Theres not much happening there quite honestly, it obviously requires port of any 721 / 1155 in this space as well as each project porting. EIP could end up costing alot in transaction fees. We are actively involved like we said though, we are always open to new ways of adapting rental contracts.

What is happening with MATIC?

MATIC is definitely happening, it’s in the immediate next steps. Really we plan to be anyway that there are strong rental use case happening or great NFT use case going on. We see a lot of games going on to MATIC. End of the day, we are a protocol layer that can easily adapt to any scaling solution where we see opportunity.

Will there be anti-bot protection integrated into the protocol? Being bombarded with bots in opensea on my nfts constantly. Anything thoughts?

Assume you mean the bots that are bidding the absolute floor for our current NFT’s. In our case, if you have an NFT and you send it to our contract to lend it out to somebody, with that you specify the parameters such as amount daily + Collateral. There is no spamming in this setup. They either take the deal or do not.

When Proof of attendance for community calls?

This is not a bad idea, we will see what we can do!

Are cats reNFTs mascot?

The cats came about given that we were putting out the moon cat shop! Its funny because Luis created this reNFT AstroCat before we got involved in any of the Mooncat work, It came full circle from there so it fealt meant to be!

What’s the easiest and quickest way to get $rent token and start LP pool to provide liquidity?

There is no token generation event, there is no sale of $rent YET! We are true DAO in the sense that it will be distributed accordingly and from then there will be creation of pairs!

Since your initial reNFT proposal that was put out on Notion, has anything changed? Have tokenomics changed, gas fees became an issue have you changed anything as a result?

Nothing too major. We are currently looking at other L2 and other chains where there are true NFT rental use cases and action on going. We are at an interesting time in the market where people are actively exploring this. The ultimate plan of iteration 0 which will be first product launching early may, will be to be a generalised protocol. From here it gets really exciting, where we can talk to projects about direct integrations and scaling solutions! This will be just the start.

Rarible integration is super cool, any plans for integration with other platforms at the moment?

We are actively acting on this. We don’t like to jump the gun however. We don’t want to alpha leak. But we are talking to a lot of other Games, other DAO’s that may have rental use cases, potentially collateral free. Watch this space.

Regarding tokenomics, is there going to be any direct use with Rarible with the $RENT token?

They are giving us the RARI funding to build the integration which is great as it allows us to hire more devs to build more. We would first need to build our reputation further before we could do things like this. The first steps are to get it built, get lots of activity going and then build on from there.

Thank you for taking your time to join us for our Community Call. We do plan on doing these more regularly, as soon as the work load eases slightly we will engaging a lot more with the community. We will be able to release somethings that have been under wraps! We should all be really excited about whats to come.

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