reNFT Dev Diary #3: It’s almost like business as usual

Rod Oliveira
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2023

gm frens 💜

Long time, no talk! We haven’t been slacking though. On the contrary! We’ve never been more busy than in the last few months. Our last diary was a deep dive into dApp end-to-end testing using Playwright and Foundry/Anvil. This entry will be more of an overview of our efforts in the last few months. There’s a lot to highlight! Let’s rewind a bit first.

The challenge back then was Polygon support. We can happily say that support for the Polygon chain landed earlier this year and things have been chugging along without a hitch. We’re busy integrating new partners and games, the first being Toshimon which launched not so long ago. Alongside, some users are already merrily lending out assets on Polygon and collections are starting to get integrated. Stay tuned for news regarding this!

Castle Crush still remains our most used integration. We love them. The players, aside from bringing incredible value to our platform, provide us with key insights about our UX and desired features. A little while ago the integration surpassed over 100k NFTs rented since its inception. Having quality rentals available is a huge boon for new players, allowing them to utilize more powerful items from the get-go. We believe this is key for any game having digital assets at their core.

Lets talk shop

In the first dev diary I laid out our stack. We utilize Foundry as our contract development tooling. The Graph indexes on-chain events so we can easily pull rentals data. This is all fetched through an Express backend, which is consequently consumed by our NextJS front end. In both back- and front end we utilize our SDK to easily interface with our contracts.

Full Turbo

We managed separate repositories for these things. This was becoming a hindrance though. Essentially we’re building a monolith microservice style — a pretty popular pattern nowadays. Having separate repos created hurdles for synchronizing releases, integration testing, and also developer workflow. Since our team has a lot of full-stack experience, having these things in separate repos makes for unnecessary context switches and other inconveniences.

For our front end, we made the decision to start building in Turborepo. This could be regarded as a weird flex since UI & data fetching were co-located anyways. Still, we found a strong argument for leveraging workspaces to start modularizing our code. There was a lot of legacy to clear away and enforcing a paradigm where modules could be relegated to packages/ seemed like a sensible path to take. The second argument was that, with our full stack experience, we could at some point migrate our API into the repo to co-locate changes across the stack better, in single PRs. This move would open the gate to properly integration/E2E testing the stack on these co-located changesets, without requiring separate API deploys or being an in-the-know state with regards to failing CI.

The third and final argument was of course that, until we convinced everybody to move the API into Turborepo as well, we could get our meme game on and troll our backend.

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About reNFT

reNFT is the FIRST & ultimate NFT rental protocol for Web3 projects. The leading multichain protocol and platform that can be white-labeled and integrated into any project to enable collateral-free in-house renting, lending, and reward automation!

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Rod Oliveira

Passionate marketer and entrepreneur by day, dreamcatcher by night. A dude who writes about everything. Games, innovation, leadership, growth hacking and more.