reNFT — Official Community Update #1

Axel F.
Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2021

Dear community,

Since we have always stood for the community first approach we have decided to inform you about what is happening on the business side, development side and all other important perspectives around reNFT on a more regular basis in order to keep you guys in the loop.

So here is our first Official Community Update!

Last week we have distributed our second reNFT Genesis Card “CtPleasr”.

Eligible were all users who either put their NFTs on our platform for rent, rented an NFT or are proud holders of the first reNFT Genesis Card “Astrocat” until 2:17 pm (GMT) of 17th of November.

reNFT Genesis Card #2 - “CtPleasr”

This NFT will have the following utilities
• Yield boost in liquidity mining
• Something community related

There have been a few issues regarding the claiming function for some users. We‘re already working on a solution in order to fix this problem this week. Stay tuned for the deploy on our Twitter/Discord.

After months of development and coordination, we are excited to say we have finalized our FULL UI and UX and are now in the middle phase of development of completing the new reNFT v2 platform!
Get ready for reNFT to be an entirely new feel and enter into the big leagues.

Here is a little teaser for you! (WORK IN PROGRESS)

We are sure that we will achieve a great improvement in functionality and usability for our users with countless new features in v2.
This will be critical as we continue closing and begin integrating direct game integrations while continuing to push forward NFT rentals technology.

Game Integrations
We have been in talks with loads of different NFT enable games across various blockchains for collateral-free integrations. Many have been finalized and we are excited to start announcing them in the future!

Chain Expansion
We are happy to announce that after completing development on the port of our collateral and collateral-free solutions to Solana, we are now in the final testing phase before we can start offering our rental protocol to the entire Solana ecosystem!

The next blockchain expansion will be Polygon, which has begun and will happen shortly after Solana.

As there are very few statistics about NFTs, let alone NFT rentals, we just decided to create our own survey to strategically align ourselves with the needs and interests of the NFT community.

You can find the link to the survey here, make sure to participate for your chance to win a CtPleasr NFT:

We will publish the results of the survey in the next few weeks.

In addition, we are currently planning a virtual art exhibition event where everything from the location to the artwork will be rented, making it the world’s first completely rental-based rotating digital art exhibition.

We’ve already picked out some incredible works of art for this event and still have a few spaces left, so if you have some nice NFTs that deserve to be exhibited virtually, please send us a message —maybe we will rent them for the event!

Furthermore, we are also heavily hiring on all fronts seeking talented members to expand our core team and are therefore currently going through a large number of applications of which some are looking super promising!

That’s it for now — see you next time!

About reNFT

Let your stale NFTs generate revenue and rent NFTs temporarily. The reNFT vision is to bring any asset that has a rentable use case whether in the digital or physical realm on-chain as an NFT for trustless, secure, and quick rentability. We see this as anything ranging from intellectual property rights, physical/digital real estate, to in-game item purchases in gaming experiences. We live at the intersection of NFTs and DeFi.

The initial and core reNFT product enables peer to peer renting of ERC-721 and ERC-1155 non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on Ethereum mainnet.

Read more about the project!

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