Suleimanov Unveils the Vision: Stihia Festival — Transforming Uzbekistan’s Cultural Landscape

Published in
4 min readNov 13, 2023

In my latest article, I wrote about the Stihia festival. We were honored to have a conversation with one of the founders of the Stihia festival, Otabek Suleimanov. Now, I’d like to provide and share with you a summary of our online meeting.

What was the vision behind the Stihia festival? How did the idea come about?

As one of the founders of the Stihia Festival, I’ve had a vision of creating a unique arts event in Uzbekistan for many years. I noticed a lack of platforms for creative expression, especially in genres like electronic music and experimental arts. I wanted Stihia to be a catalyst for cultivating these innovative scenes on an international level in the region.

I brought together a group of like-minded creatives to start laying the groundwork. From the beginning, our aim was to produce an interdisciplinary festival focused on music, visual arts, technology, and more. However, we wanted it to be more than just performances; we envisioned interactive experiences, daring installations, and communal spaces for sharing ideas. Above all, it had to feel boundary-pushing yet accessible.

Our first edition in 2017 began humbly in the small desert town of Muynak. We were determined to use this remote location to our advantage by transforming the post-industrial landscape into an experimental canvas. To our delight, people from all over the world engaged with Stihia that year, giving us confidence that Central Asia was ripe for such an event.

Now, Stihia has firmly established itself on the global festival circuit while putting Uzbekistan on the map for creative tourism. We continue expanding to different sites each season, with this year’s edition exploring the ancient Silk Road oasis of Bukhara. It gives me so much joy and purpose to see artists and audiences from all corners join together each summer to ignite new connections and push creative boundaries through the unique spirit of Stihia. I believe innovative platforms like ours will help accelerate Uzbekistan’s emergence as a thriving cultural hub.

How did you build the community and engage with local people?

From the start, it was important to us that Stihia wasn’t just an event but rather cultivated an entire creative community. We strive to support local talent year-round through workshops, residencies, and showcase opportunities. Fostering this community is what will ensure Stihia’s long-term impact and legacy.

Each season presents new logistical and production challenges as we take Stihia to different parts of the country. But exploring diverse landscapes allows us to color outside the lines of traditional festival models. It’s gratifying to awaken artistic inspiration in unexpected settings.

With top-tier DJs and techno acts from around the world now keen to participate, Stihia has firmly put Uzbekistan on the global electronic music map.

What was the process of expanding the festival in such a short time and gaining international recognition?

International media coverage further spreads word of our events and the vibrant new creative scene unfolding here. By convening diverse audiences, we aim to use artistic expression as a bridge for intercultural understanding. Stihia fosters valuable connections between creatives from the region and further afield. These relationships will endure long after each summer’s festivities. With top-tier DJs and techno acts from around the world now keen to participate, Stihia has firmly put Uzbekistan on the global electronic music map. International media coverage further spreads the word of our events and the vibrant new creative scene unfolding here. It’s key that Stihia’s growth comes without compromising ecological values. We take sustainability seriously through efforts like solar power, minimizing waste, and promoting public transport options. This helps ensure the beauty of our landscapes stays protected.

This type of festival is very new in our region. Stihia gives off a more futuristic vibe. What did you feel after realising that you and your community created such an extraordinary and successful platform?

Overall, I feel immensely proud that Stihia has risen to become one of Central Asia’s leading creative platforms almost a decade later. But our work has only just begun. Stihia celebrates the ingenuity and traditions of the Central Asian region through site-specific works and local DJ/live acts featured prominently. This helps distinguish our identity in a competitive global market.

Also, I cannot pass without mentioning our project, Stihia Gen. Stihia Gen is an educational project for the local young generation. The goal of the project is to improve the quality of life for children and teens in Muynak city by providing opportunities and teaching, developing an interest in fields like IT, art, design, and sport.

I can feel that you are proud and that you enjoy what you’re doing. What gives you the passion to continue?

In summary, while the commercial and logistical aspects demand dedication, my passion remains using Stihia as an instrument for positive cultural change through championing creative expression and new voices across our diverse continent and communities.


Bayram Agayev

Originally published at on November 13, 2023.

