4K Monitors, Windows 10, and Music Production

Alan Mendelevich
Published in
5 min readOct 23, 2020


A DPI-aware DAW, with DPI-aware EQ (left) and DPI-unaware EQ (right)

I wanted to upgrade to a bigger monitor for quite a while but even just a few years ago 30"+ monitors were prohibitively expensive and 4K on anything smaller seemed kind of pointless to me. Now that the prices are more reasonable, I was still hesitating as I was using Reason as my primary DAW and it doesn’t support HiDPI.

This summer I started using Studio One more and more and it both supports high DPI on Windows and the UI gets quite crowded on a FullHD screen. So I finally pulled the plug and got a 32" 4K monitor (Samsung UJ590 if you want to know the model). 32" is huge compared to 24" I had before but it’s still not big enough to run Windows at 100% scale. So I run it at 150%.

While I love the experience overall (no issues with anything non-music related so far), and I love how Studio One itself looks and feels, I’ve realized quite quickly that there are a lot of smaller or bigger issues when it comes to 3rd party plugins and HiDPI on Windows.

Take a look at this fragment of the screenshot above:

On the left you see a Pro EQ2 plugin that comes with Studio One and on the right (top-right to be precise) is iZotope’s…



Alan Mendelevich

I run AdDuplex - a cross-promotion network for Windows apps. Blog at https://blog.ailon.org. Author of "Conferences for Introverts"