Hello, Music World!

Alan Mendelevich
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2020

When I was a teenager I had two passions: software development and music. I taught myself the basics of software development, which led to computer science studies at the university and an interesting career.

My passion for music somehow got stuck in random attempts to fiddle with a cheap “synth” in my early teens, early music making software in my late teens (Scream Tracker/Fast Tracker anyone?), then with more sophisticated software (ReBirth FTW!), etc. All of that lacked any structure. I’ve spent many hours at it over the years but it wasn’t something anyone would call “deliberate practice.”

I even coined a title for myself — Chief Knob Turner.

It has been roughly five years since my last attempt. Recently, a few stars have aligned and I decided to make music making my hobby again. But this time I want to do it in fairly deliberate way:

  1. I will study music theory;
  2. I will develop at least rudimentary piano skills;
  3. I will learn the basics of audio engineering, sound design, etc and develop solid skills with a DAW;
  4. I will analyze music other people made and make a few covers before I try to create something of my own.

And I will document my progress and interesting things I find along the way on this blog. So follow this publication and follow me on twitter to get notified of the new content.

And if you have valuable pointers to improve my chances of success please don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments.



Alan Mendelevich
Editor for

I run AdDuplex - a cross-promotion network for Windows apps. Blog at https://blog.ailon.org. Author of "Conferences for Introverts"