Quick Tip: Improve Your Fake Strumming in Studio One

Alan Mendelevich
Published in
Sep 12, 2022

Studio One 5.5 added a feature that lets you convert “straight” chords into strums easily. Just select your chord and start dragging a note in it and then (and it’s important to start dragging first which is awkward, but you get used to it) press ctrl+alt (Windows) or cmd+option (Mac).

And that’s a great workflow improvement. But apparently, it doesn’t take how real guitarist strum into account. This short tip shows you how to take this feature to its natural conclusion:

TL;DW: just move the strums to end on the beat, not start.



Alan Mendelevich
Editor for

I run AdDuplex - a cross-promotion network for Windows apps. Blog at https://blog.ailon.org. Author of "Conferences for Introverts"