Studio One 6 Review

Alan Mendelevich
Published in
Oct 4, 2022

Studio One 6 was released a couple of days ago. I’ve made an “expectations” Bingo card a few days before the announcement and now that I played with version 6, I can conclude that a few things from my card have materialized but most of them didn’t. At the same time there were several unexpected yet useful additions.

Here’s my video review of Studio One 6 consisting of 6 improvements I really like and also my top 6 missed opportunities in this release:

And here’s a TL;DW list:

6 Highlights

  1. Track presets
  2. UI customization and scrollbars in inspector
  3. Instrument sidechain and overall sidechaining improvements
  4. Track/channel icons
  5. Popup faders on sends/pan
  6. Sends on FX Channels

6 Omissions

  1. No VSTs as NoteFX
  2. No ATOM SQ/ATOM integration improvements
  3. No Impact XT improvements
  4. No smarter arranger track
  5. No scale highlighting in piano roll
  6. No public scripting API



Alan Mendelevich
Editor for

I run AdDuplex - a cross-promotion network for Windows apps. Blog at Author of "Conferences for Introverts"