June Development Update

Ren Protocol
3 min readJun 19, 2019


Check out the new website available at https://renproject.io

June has been a month of testing, stability, and consolidation. Since the evolution of Ren into a virtual machine for privacy and interoperable liquidity, the Ren dev team has been hard at work building new technology. A lot has happened with great speed. As such, the Ren dev team has spent the last month focused on improving stability for the upcoming release of RenVM to Testnet, including new SDKs and developer tools.

If you are interested in integrating with RenVM, leveraging the power of truly decentralised cross-chain liquidity, let us know by signing up for early access.


  • The consensus algorithm implemented by Hyperdrive has finished undergoing review and testing. We are now confident that it is ready for deployment to Testnet, and it has been fully integrated into RenVM.
  • The RZL secure multiparty computation algorithm implementation has finished undergoing review and testing. We are now confident that it is ready for deployment to Testnet, and it has also been fully integrated into RenVM. Alongside Hyperdrive, these two components make up the heart of RenVM.
  • Draft documentation for the RenVM SDK has been made available to a select group of third-party projects and we are now gathering feedback. The SDK will continue to undergo development, testing, and review based on feedback to ensure that it is easy for developers to use and understand.
  • Documentation for RenVM has been released and is available at https://docs.renproject.io/ren; offering a description of what is possible with RenVM and how RenVM works. This resource will continue to be updated with the latest information.
  • Various improvements and fixes which include: syncing Darknodes that have been offline for several hours, rate-limiting and caching messages, and building a new message passing library.


  • The next version of the Command Centre has entered the design phase. We have reviewed the information commonly requested by our community and will be including: uptime for the network and individual Darknodes, approximate geographic distribution of the network, hardware specifications, currently installed versions, fees earned, and much more.
  • Darknode payment cycles have been extended to four (4) weeks. Darknodes will continue to earn fees normally, but will only be able to claim them every four weeks (28 days). This measure, along with others that we are experimenting with, will help to improve the stability of Darknode numbers.

The Ren dev team has been hard at work perfecting RenVM for the last few months. Now, as we approach the next major release of Testnet, we are engaging with third-party projects to gain feedback and to assist with integrations. More information about this is on the way, but if your project would like to get involved, let us know by signing up for early access!

In our next development update, we look forward to sharing more information about the release of RenVM to Testnet. Now more than ever, we are confident that 2019 will be the year that liquidity is unchained and previously disconnected blockchains will become connected at last.

Until next time,

— Loong Wang, CTO, Ren

About Ren

Ren is a private and interoperable liquidity layer for decentralized finance. Freely move value between blockchains and transfer tokens in zero-knowledge while maintaining complete privacy.

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Ren Protocol

Building an open protocol that facilitates the permissionless and private transfer of value between any blockchain | CTO at Ren