Ren Ecosystem Update | July 2021

Ren Community
Ren Protocol
5 min readJul 28, 2021


Welcome to the July Ecosystem Update! RenVM continues to march onward with its cross-chain expansion, gaining consistent traction in each ecosystem it expands to. So without further ado, let’s dive into July’s highlights:

Coinbase Pro UK

Ren ($REN) is now available to UK residents on Coinbase Pro. Learn more here.

RenBridge adds support for renLUNA, renFIL, and renDGB

The public can now mint & burn these assets via RenBridge on any destination chain that RenVM supports! Learn more here.

Saber BTC Stable Pools on Solana

Saber, a Solana-based stable coin AMM, has added four (4) new renBTC pools and a renLUNA pool as well! This allows users to provide liquidity and limit impermanent loss along with seamlessly trading renBTC against all other Solana-based BTC variants. The pools available are below:
renBTC <> wBTC (sollet BTC)
renBTC <> ibBTC
renBTC <> HBTC
renBTC <> PBTC

renLUNA <> wLUNA

To learn more about the collaboration check this article out.

Curve Finance Rewards are live on Polygon and Fantom

$CRV incentivized renBTC pools are live on Fantom and Polygon.

Hippodrome Integrates RenVM

RenVM’s first native RenJS integration on Polygon is now live! Hippodrome allows users to swap BTC or DOGE for any token on Polygon, along with depositing directly into liquidity pools! Learn more here.

Aztec Brings Privacy to BTC

Aztec adds renBTC to their list of supported assets to Learn more by checking out this article.

Raydium BTC and DOGE Pools on Solana

Excited to announce two official Raydium pools are now live on Solana: renBTC-USDC and renDOGE-USDC. Liquidity providers are not only earning trading fees from traders using the Raydium pools, but liquidity providers are also earning trading fees from traders using the Serum order books directly. Learn more here.

Parrot Finance adds renBTC as collateral for PAI

Parrot Finance now enables users to collateralize their BTC (renBTC) to mint the $PAI stablecoin on Solana! Learn more here.

Ren in DeFi

*All the various opportunities for the Ren ecosystem are collated for your convenience. This is not financial advice, as always DYOR and proceed at your own risk.

Beefy Finance x renBTC (Fantom) 🐄
Beefy Finance vaults are now live on Fantom. Learn more here.

Beefy Finance x renBTC (Polygon) 🐄
Beefy Finance vaults are now live on Polygon. Learn more here. x Ren has added Ren to their RSS feed. Learn more here.

QuickSwap | renDOGE & renDGB 🐉
QuickSwap has incentivized the renDGB and renDOGE pairs with yield farming rewards. Learn more here.

SmartDEX (Polygon) x renBTC 🧠
SmartDEX has added a renBTC and incentivized the pool with $NIOX via yield farming. Check it out here.

Adamant Vault x renDOGE 🔐
A new QuickswapDEX vault has been deployed via Adamant Vault for the renDOGE <> ETH pair. Learn more here.

Ren is Hiring | Front-end Developer

The Ren team is looking for a new Front-end Developer, so if you want to contribute to the future of finance, please apply here!

Ren Governance 🗳

Two highlights on the governance front this month:

The Ren Report 💯

Great weekly overview of all the activities in the Ren Ecosystem! It’s free, subscribe here:

Daily Multichain Volume Report 💯

Daily volume reports. Subscribe here:

Darknode Stats & RenVM Bots 🤖

More RenVM and Darknode Bots are now live! If you want to track real-time RenVM stats, this is your happy place.

Community Member of the Month

A long-time community member but new to the Ambassador scene, Sabobi has been a fantastic addition, and contributes daily to the advancement of the protocol! We couldn’t be more thankful for his consistent dedication and service in the name of Ren.

Keep up the good work sir!

Looking Forward

The cross-chain expansion continues to march forward and will only be accelerated with more chains being supported, along with the protocol continuing to mature. Keep up the great work fRens and stay tuned for more to come.

Onwards and upwards,
— Ren Team

About‌ ‌Ren‌ ‌

Ren‌ ‌is‌ ‌an‌ ‌open‌ ‌protocol‌ ‌that‌ ‌enables‌ ‌the‌ ‌movement‌ ‌of‌ ‌value‌ ‌between‌ ‌blockchains.‌ ‌

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