RenEx: Roadmap Update #1

Ren Protocol
3 min readNov 15, 2018


Two months ago, RenEx Beta was launched on Mainnet. Since then, our Darknodes have maintained 100% up-time and a thorough security audit by ChainSecurity has been completed (a blog post will soon be released that discusses the audit in greater depth). This gives us the confidence to be sure that RenEx Beta is a stable and secure dark pool that traders can trust.

It is now time to outline some new milestones, so that RenEx Beta can continue to grow. This blog post will outline a roadmap for RenEx Beta that extends into mid-2019. Future blog posts will introduce the next phase of the Darknode Rollout Plan, and introduce new milestones for the underlying dark pool protocol itself.


New features, and significant improvements will be added to RenEx Beta over the coming months. Our goals for RenEx Beta, over the next three quarters, is to: streamline the user-experience, introduce simpler and more powerful atomic swaps, and increase the liquidity available in the dark pool.

Late Q4 2018

  • Release of a Software Development Kit (SDK) for programmatic interaction with RenEx Beta.
  • Streamlining of user signup and Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures to make it easier for users to get started.
  • Support for ‘good-until-cancelled’ orders to remove the 24-hour expiration and increase liquidity.

Early Q1 2019

  • Streamlining of atomic swaps with our new Swapperd application to make atomic swaps simpler and more secure.
  • Merchanting of WBTC, through RenEx Beta, to bring 1:1 backed BTC to the Ethereum ecosystem.
  • Support for new BTC-to-ERC20 trading pairs to meet the needs of more traders and increase liquidity.

Early Q2 2019

  • Performance improvements, using scaling parallel computations, to reduce the latency of the secure order matching engine.
  • Introduce a new dynamic fee model, with rebates for market-makers, to encourage trading and align the fee model with other exchanges.
  • Support pegged midpoint orders so that traders can find order matches more easily.
  • Release of a dark liquidity integration network so that liquidity can be seeded and sourced on RenEx Beta in a secure multiparty computation setting.

Late Q2 2019

  • Support for third-party dark pools so that RenEx Beta will no longer be the only dark pool.
  • Release of smart contract tutorials, and examples, to support the development of third-party dark pools
  • Release of zkSNARK tools to support the development of third-party dark pools.
  • Release of sMPC tools and SDKs to support the development of third-party dark pools.

While this roadmap outlines specific improvements for RenEx, and an exciting start to 2019, there is much more to come. In our next blog posts, we will introduce the next phase of the Darknode Rollout Plan — Limited Participation — to start getting Darknodes into the hands of the community. We will also introduce an entirely new roadmap and set of possibilities for Ren, our underlying protocol. Stay tuned!

— Loong Wang, CTO, Republic Protocol

About Ren

Ren is a private and interoperable liquidity layer for decentralized finance. Freely move value between blockchains and transfer tokens in zero-knowledge while maintaining complete privacy.

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Ren Protocol

Building an open protocol that facilitates the permissionless and private transfer of value between any blockchain | CTO at Ren