Value DeFi Integrates RenVM

The First RenVM Integration on Binance Smart Chain

Ren Community
Ren Protocol
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2021


We are excited to announce our partnership with Value DeFi!

This collaboration will bring a variety of firsts for RenVM, Value DeFi, and the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem so without further ado, let’s dive in.

  1. First native RenVM integration on Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
  2. First Zcash stableswap pool ever | renZEC <-> ZEC-B.
  3. Third renBTC stableswap pool on Binance Smart Chain.
  4. Yield Farming ZEC and BTC vPegSwap Pools | First renZEC liquidity mining program

Native RenVM Integration

Our very first native RenVM integration on BSC allows a seamless UX for depositing and withdrawing BTC and ZEC directly on the Value DeFi platform. We’ve seen this type of integration drive greater utility for all parties involved, so we could not be more excited to pioneer this with the Value DeFi team.

Mint BTC and ZEC directly to BSC and then start earning yield on said assets here👇

ZCash Stableswap Pool | renZEC <-> ZEC-B

The first ZEC stableswap pool in history is now live on BSC. It allows users to trade renZEC to ZEC-B at very low slippage, along with providing ZEC holders an opportunity to earn yield on their assets with little risk of impermanent loss. Further, this pool model is a foundation component for vaults and all other manner of DeFi products, so excited to open this opportunity up for the ZCash community.

  • Trade $renZEC and $ZEC-B here.
  • Deposit real $ZEC, $renZEC, or $ZEC-B and earn yield here.

Bitcoin Stableswap Pool | renBTC <-> BTCB

To further bootstrap BTC on BSC, the Value DeFi team has launched a renBTC <-> BTCB stableswap pool. This has all the attributes needed to jumpstart liquidity within the BSC ecosystem as it’s a foundation component to vaults and all other manner of DeFi products.

  • Trade $renBTC and $BTCB here.
  • Deposit real $BTC, $renBTC or $BTCB and earn yield here.

Yield Farming | renZEC/ZEC-B and renBTC/BTCB vPegSwap Pools

To further incentivize both of these pools, Value DeFi has launched a ZEC and BTC Yield Farming program! Those who provide liquidity will earn both trading fees, as well as extra yield in ZEC and BTC during the yield farming campaign.

Starting at 8:00 AM UTC 27th-April. renBTC/BTCB vPegSwap pool will get 1x vBSWAP emission which is roughly $15k daily for incentive, with 50% locked reward and vested in 3 months for 3 months. The renZEC/ZEC-B vPegSwap pool will get 0.1x emission as an incentive and distributed pro-rata with no lock reward. To participate, stake your LP tokens here 👇

Looking Forward

This marks another big step for cross-chain interoperability and we’re excited this is now available to the larger public. It’s been a pleasure working with the Value DeFi team and we’ll continue exploring new opportunities and asset pools, so stay tuned for more!

‌‌Onwards‌ ‌and‌ ‌upwards,‌ ‌
— ‌ ‌Michael‌ ‌Burgess,‌ ‌COO‌ ‌

About Value DeFi

The one-stop shop for your DeFi capital: yield aggregator with multi-strategy yield-optimizers for maximum returns; low slippage stablecoin and pegged assets swap; an AMM built on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain with integrated DEXs aggregator for advance trade routing with minimal slippage; a liquidity farming platform that can create pools with flexible ratio pairs. Value DeFi aims to provide the lowest swap fee and best APY for our users.

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About Ren

Ren is an open protocol that enables the movement of value between blockchains.
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