Here’s Why You Should Rent a VR Headset

Alex Pastukhov
Rent4Me — P2P Rental Marketplace
3 min readAug 12, 2020

When most people think of VR headsets, kids having fun is the first image that comes to mind. But the truth is, a VR headset can be used for a lot more than entertainment alone.

In today’s post, we’re going to highlight the many benefits of VR headsets and how you can get one without spending a fortune. So without wasting any time, let’s dive in.

The Benefits of VR Headsets beyond Entertainment

1. Immersive Learning

One of the biggest attractions of VR headsets is their ability to create unique and effective learning experiences.

Unlike a marker and a whiteboard, virtual reality opens up new ways through which complex concepts, theories, and subjects can be explained in a more engaging and immersive way.

Just think about it for a second. Which do you think will work better? Learning about Rome by reading a book? Or stepping right into the great empire and walking down the halls of the Roman senate?

Of course, the immersive VR experience is going to result in far better connection and retention. And the impact goes beyond the classroom as the same technology can be used in corporate boardrooms, elderly care facilities, driving schools, and many other areas.

2. Brain Stimulation

One of the fastest-growing areas for VR is nursing homes and senior care centers. As people age, their brain activity starts to slow down. The deteriorating condition of their bodies further taxes their brains. As a result, it’s hard for them to stay alert or entertained.

Virtual reality can help change that by letting them jog up a hill, catch some fish, attend a jazz concert, or even play golf — all safely and digitally from the comfort of their seats.

The best part is, seniors are openly embracing this technology as reported in this study from Taiwan.

3. Accessibility

Accessibility is perhaps the biggest advantage of virtual reality. Whether we talk about a kid struggling with cerebral palsy (CP) or an adult in a wheelchair, VR is accessible for everyone.

The reason is simple. VR experiences can be tailored to the specific needs of the user.

Where mainstream games focus heavily on physical movement and motion controls, specialized experiences can help users interact using a gamepad, eye tracking, voice control, or any other touchless method.

Better yet, it’s only bound to become more accessible over time.

Why Renting a VR Headset is the Way to Go

Now that you know how useful VR headsets can be, let’s talk about why renting them is the best way to go.

Outright buying a modern VR headset such as the Oculus Quest will set you back $400 or more. Whereas you can rent one for as cheap as $10 per day or $45 per week.

On the surface, the difference might not look that big. But here’s the thing. Most people only use the headset for a few hours at a time. So in terms of cost per hour, you can save a lot by renting a VR headset only when you need it.

Then there’s the matter of VR headsets getting outdated as new models are released. Every year or two companies release new models that are supposed to replace the ones before. As a result, you’ll have to shell out a lot of money to get the latest model or settle for an inferior experience otherwise.

That’s not the case when you rent a VR headset. That’s because you can return the old model and rent the latest one when you need it. And we haven’t even talked about repairs yet. With a rental, you don’t have to worry about repairs as you don’t actually own the headset.

Not only does this help you save money, but it also reduces your risk of having to buy a new headset in case of an accident.

To sum it up, renting a VR headset is cheaper, safer, and far more accessible. To get an amazing VR headset for yourself or a loved one, check the Oculus Quest listing

