How to Properly Negotiate Your Rent Price with Tenants

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5 min readNov 10, 2016
Negotiate Rent Price

As a landlord, you will likely negotiate with a tenant at some point. As you’re searching for new tenants, prospective tenants might try to negotiate a lower rent price. It’s also possible that your current tenant will negotiate during a lease renewal. In this article, we’ll discuss how to handle rent negotiations with your tenants:

Research the Rental Market

Rental markets rise and fall and with it rent prices go up and down. To research your rental market, look online for what similar units in your location are renting for. If your price is much higher or much lower, then you probably need to adjust your price. It can be difficult to find an exact unit that matches what your unit offers, but every rent price should help you gauge whether your rent price makes sense. For instance, if a two-bedroom unit on your block is renting for the same as yours, but your unit has additional amenities, like in-unit laundry or a fenced yard, then you can justify raising your rent price.

Not every unit on the market will be appropriately priced, so comparisons can be tricky, but if you compare your price to enough units on the market, you’ll have a better idea whether you should alter your rent price during a negotiation.

Check out our article to learn exactly how to set your rent price.

Consider the Season

Rent prices peak in the summer and fall in the winter. If a prospective tenant is trying to negotiate for a lower rent price in the summer, you likely don’t need to give in. Demand for rentals are high during the summer, which means you can probably find a new tenant easily who will pay your rent price.

To say you aren’t interested in negotiating, you can say, “I’m not willing to negotiate the rent price at this time.” The prospective tenant will easily find another unit that suits his or her needs, especially in the summer months. Conversely, you will easily find another tenant who is willing to pay your price since there are many tenants looking to rent during the summer.

On the other hand, in the winter months you will probably have a harder time renting your unit because demand is low. Because of this, you may be more willing to negotiate in the winter if you’ve found a good tenant and you would like to have a tenant in your unit (albeit at a lower rent price) then have no tenant at all.

Calculate If It’s Financially Worth It to Negotiate

This step is especially important during a lease renewal, as it might be to your benefit to slightly reduce your rent price in order to keep a quality tenant.

The money you lose from lowering your rent price could be less than the cost of having to find new tenants. When you search for new tenants, you sacrifice a lot of your time: creating a listing, communicating with tenant leads, scheduling showings, showing your property, reviewing rental applications, and analyzing tenant credit reports and background checks. There’s also the cost of tenant turnover, including cleaning, repainting, and fixing any repairs. Plus, when you search for new tenants you risk ending up with a bad tenant who doesn’t pay rent on time or damages your property.

When you weigh the time, effort, and money involved in finding new tenants, it can become more appealing to negotiate a slight rent reduction. But these are just factors to consider before choosing to negotiate. If a troublesome tenant is negotiating a rent reduction, you are probably better off finding a high-quality tenant.

Consider How Close You Are to a Vacancy

Another factor to consider is how close you are to a rental vacancy. The closer you get to vacancy, the more likely you are to negotiate. On the other hand, if you have a lot of time to find a new tenant, you don’t need to negotiate. You can wait for a tenant who will pay your rent price. If you think a tenant is taking advantage of the fact that you’re lease date is coming soon, you can halt the negotiations and say you are considering renting to another one of your candidates. If a tenant truly wants your unit, they will likely give up and say they are okay with the rent price in your listing.

When it comes to accepting tenants, we recommend accepting a tenant before you reject other candidates. This helps protect you in case you something goes wrong during the leasing process and you need another applicant to rent to. This also helps you negotiate better since you have other quality tenants who are willing to accept your price. Check out our guide for more on how to accept or deny prospective tenants.

Offer Incentives Instead

One way to work around a rent negotiation is to offer your tenants something besides a rent reduction. Here are four incentives you can use:

  • Repainting
  • Carpet cleaning
  • Free parking
  • Free cable or utilities for a certain number of months

If the negotiation happens during a lease renewal, you can also reason with your tenant that you typically raise your rent price during a renewal, but he or she can keep their current rent price instead. That will give the tenant the impression that he or she is saving money, even while renting at the same price.

Next Steps

You’ve spent time deciding your rent price and negotiating, but when it comes time to collect rent each month, you want the process to be a breeze for you and your tenants. Sign up now to join the 25,000+ landlords who are collecting rent online using Rentalutions. Plans are free for landlords with one unit.

And if you’re not sure how to set your rent price, we have an entire chapter dedicated to that topic in our Complete Guide to Finding Tenants.

Originally published at Rentalutions.



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