Designing Visual Brand for Campaign Event

Implementing our idea in events

Sherry Wu
Project knock knock
5 min readFeb 17, 2020


Brand Language

We think that this is a good time to coin down our brand language as we are looking into kicking off the first event this month. This would be beneficial for a consistent brand image for our future events and design solutions.

The main idea is simple: we want it to look friendly, fun, and approachable.

Logo and imagery

At first we explored different styles of smiley faces:

But we felt like smiley faces might be a bit clichéd. Therefore we moved to “handing a flower” idea:

Initial sketch but it was hard to get the hand right.

In the end, we created an imagery that could also work with our brand name “knock knock”.

Event Proposal

Location: 7th Floor

Date: February 14th

Time: Friday afternoon, facilitate from 5PM — 7PM


Email send to ideally all residents, RSVP via google form
Instagram Story, RSVP via question
Paper sign-up sheets


  • Event: Writing tags, friendly tags, yarn, large-scale poster, table, refreshments (candy?)
  • Publicity: Instagram Story size digital poster, email attachment, physical posters for the elevator


Instagram post
Poster for elevators
Post event picture and tag @oneoncentre to win lottery

Event Procedure

Participant experience

  1. Participants will pick up a “writing tag” and will write their room number and something they’d be willing to give their neighbors
  2. They tie a string to the card and hang it to their respective floor’s string
  3. They are then encouraged to read their neighbor’s tags
  4. After finding someone in the building they relate to, they are asked to take a ready-made “friendly tag” to put on that person’s door
  5. Residents can continue to hang out and socialize with refreshments during the active hours of the event

Setup procedure

  1. Put up the poster board
  2. Set up a table in front of the poster board
  3. Thread 17 lines, each line represent a floor
  4. Set up the yarn and a pair of scissors
  5. Lay out cards and set up pens

Facilitation procedure

  1. Invite people in the lounge to participate in the event
  2. Introduce the event procedures
  3. Provide examples of what they can write on the tag
  4. Direct participants to hang their tags on to their corresponding floors
  5. Check if existing tags are hung in the right position
  6. Encourage participants to take the friendly tags and put them on their neighbors’ doors

Event Documentation

Photographs, final outcome of visualization

Success Metrics

  • RSVP rate
  • Final visualization
  • Posts on instagram about the event

Iterations on the Event Probe

At first we tried to work with our brand:

We calculated the actual height and realized we probably need to stagger the lines:

We also thought it would be cute to make the tags actually “door-like.” With this more final design in mind we started to refine how we would actually fabricate our designs. We were offered some free manila tags, so we began thinking of ways to utilize those, using stamps and a board made out of wood. We ended up presenting both options to (One on Centre).

Adding more building motif to the poster to embrace the door imagery.


After assessing the feasibility of different fabrication methods, we decided to move forward with laser printing.

Tags created by hand-crafted stamps

The next step was to assemble things together. We tested printing the tags and it came out really well, so we chose to go with the printed tags. The original strings that came with the Avery package was too stiff, so we also hand-replaced the stirngs:

All tags good to go!
Testing the interaction, and how it would potentially look
The title did not show up, so we re-laser cut the titles on a darker-colored hardboard

After fabricating our board, we began to realize that we should also create some form of instructions so people could continue to participate without our presence. We played with the tag imagery and also evolved it to lead people back to our medium post so they could understand more about the project as a whole.


To promote our event we worked on posters to hint at our event as well as be visually appealing in the elevators and other promotional spaces around One on Centre.

After leaning towards our board being made out of wood and using the manila tags, we went back and revised our final design slightly to reflect this and more explicitly reveal the activity that would be taking place at our event.

Final poster, Instagram story, Instagram post

