Improving your SEO by analyzing Google Trend results

Eliisa Lukjanova
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2020

One of the cornerstones of digital marketing nowadays is search engine optimization or SEO. Essentially, SEO is a process for optimizing and driving organic or unpaid traffic from the search engine results page to your website or online store.

While it might seem confusing or difficult, all it really is managing the content and design of your website to be more appealing for the search engines. Ultimately what you’re trying to do is impress the search engine so that it will display your website as a top result in the results page.

👉Here’s how to write SEO friendly product descriptions.

What is Google Trends?

Google Trends is a tool for conducting keyword research, helping improve your сontent marketing strategy and SEO. How it works is, you search a term or compare two keywords, and Trends gives you all kinds of information on the most popular times when and where the terms were most used over a selected period of time. In addition, you also get to see the related queries and topics that people also searched for in addition to your chosen keyword.

In short, Google Trends shows you the relative popularity of a search query, instead of the query’s overall search volume (which Google Keyword Planner tool shows you). The numbers get scaled on a range of 0 to 100 — hundred being the peak popularity for the term, fifty meaning the term is half as popular, and a score of 0 meaning there was not enough data for this term.

You also get a better picture of the term's popularity due to the fact that Trends eliminates repeated searches from the same user over a short period of time.

Promote content at the right time

It probably doesn’t come as a surprise that certain keywords or search terms are affected by seasonality. By keeping track of seasonal trends, you can optimize your marketing efforts, use certain search terms when they’re most used, and reach your audience more efficiently. Analyzing the popularity of a search term over the years helps understand during which months the term gets especially popular.

Ski Rental Trends

Some trends might come as a surprise. If you look at the graph, the search term ‘’Ski Rental’’ clearly spikes up twice a year — during the obvious winter months, and during June/July. The fact that ski rental searches peak the most during summer months clearly shows the different types of audiences and their behavioral patterns.

Ones are more extempore and don’t necessarily plan much in advance, while the others tend to be more organized and plan their trips more meticulously well in advance. This is something to consider while planning your content and communications — the difference between the audience might also show in the channels they use and the content they prefer to see.

Then again, ‘’ski rental’’ might also refer to ‘’jet ski rental’’ as seen in the related queries. Being the summertime, it also makes sense that water sports rentals are in peak season.

This is something that you should keep in mind while creating content and analyzing Trend results — you want to make sure you’re using relevant and accurate keywords so you reach the right target audience.

Check out how Rentle can serve and help your ski rental business grow.

What else can the results tell you?

Check out the whole article to find out!

This post was originally published on our blog and was redacted for Medium.
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Eliisa Lukjanova
Editor for

Content creator & artist at heart