Increase sales by accepting online bookings

Eliisa Lukjanova
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2020

While it’s not always easy to foresee the upcoming trends and changes in the industry, it’s important to seek opportunities and ways to keep the cash flow going. The way companies run their businesses is constantly changing — everything is now online and accessible through different channels and platforms.

From the customers’ perspective, online bookings save time, is extremely convenient, and usually more comfortable than queuing in a crowded rental shop. Online shops allow customers to easily access the store on any device from wherever, whenever — even when you’re not there to answer the phone or reply to emails. To make it even simpler: you’re losing sales without an online booking system.

Moving online helps you in your daily work. According to a study, 96% of businesses prefer to have their customers booking online because:

⏰ It saves time.
💨 It helps reduce no-shows.
💰 You can handle payments in advance.
🤝 It’s more convenient for everyone.

You can schedule your work much better and make processing orders more streamlined. With the right software, the inventory is easy to manage, both for in-store and online rentals. This allows you to put all focus on better customer experience. By moving the rental services from phone and email to an online shop powered by Rentle, our customer multiplied their number of bookings compared to the previous year. Ultimately this doubled their rental revenue.

Generate more bookings through social media

Take advantage of your social channels and utilize it to your advantage to not only engage with your customers but also offer an easy and effortless way to book whatever they need. By combining your social media channels and discounts, for example, you’re encouraging your customers to go through with their bookings and pay in advance.

Driving traffic

Driving traffic from social media to your website might sound like a simple task but it takes time and effort to build an audience for your brand. In social media you must stand out from thousands of other profiles who are competing for the attention of your customers. If you think you can grow an organic audience by pushing sales all the time, you’re wrong. Focus on building your brand, audience, and community timely, compelling, and engaging content. The sales will come later.

👉 Find out how you can increase your bookings by using Facebook’s ‘’Book Now’’ button.

Paid ads

Nike hasn’t published anything on their Facebook feed since January 2018. Let it sink for a moment.

Even though there’s still room and role for the posts on your feed, the organic reach is declining. For a small or starting brand, paid advertising is a must to get the word out. Supported by high-quality content, paid social media advertising supports both your sales and building your brand.

In addition, the success of your ad campaigns and return of investment is easy to measure. Paid ad tools provide you with more comprehensive systems to testing and optimizing your audiences and content. Furthermore, you can utilize your existing customer base and create similar audiences based on their social media profiles, meaning that you can potentially reach thousands of people who are like your customers but have not heard about you yet.


Remarketing is the process where you have recognized a person for example as a website visitor, and target her across multiple channels. Remarketing is a very powerful method to reach your customers and it is shown that remarketing ads receive more clicks and better conversion rates.

The thing is that people usually need multiple touchpoints with your brand before they’re ready to make a purchase decision. Once a person has shown interest in your business by visiting your website, they’re more adaptive to your messaging and closer to buying from you.

What else can you do to grow your sales?

Check out the whole article to find out!

This post was originally published on our blog and was redacted for Medium.
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Eliisa Lukjanova
Editor for

Content creator & artist at heart