Launching and managing an eCommerce rental business

Eliisa Lukjanova
Published in
6 min readNov 9, 2020

The total size of the global B2C eCommerce market is 2400$ billion and growing approximately 200$ billion annually. Most of it consists of, obviously, traditional eCommerce, but a growing number of rental shops have also seen the growth opportunity in eCommerce. In a time when customers have so many alternatives to choose from, the companies that can provide the best customer experience anywhere and anytime will win.

In the consumer rental industry, having an online presence is essential because of the way modern consumers search for information. According to Statista, 67% of consumers prefer making bookings online because of its convenience and saved time. Furthermore, 54% feel that they can find better deals online in terms of selection and price.

Summary of the article

If you are just starting your rental business and don’t have a website yet, start reading from the beginning.

If you have a website but are planning to do a redesign, start reading here.

If you are happy with your current website but are looking for a rental booking system, jump straight here.

Lastly, if you have an online booking system in place but are looking for a better way manage your rentals, you might be interested in learning how rental software can help you to manage your business both online and offline

Register a domain name and choose a hosting service provider

The first step to start renting out equipment online is to have a website. The easiest way to get started is with the most popular website builders and eCommerce solutions such as Shopify or Squarespace.


As a domain name’s purpose is to distinguish your website from other websites on the Internet, your domain name must be unique, recognizable, and relatable to your brand.

To claim a domain name for your business, you have to register it to the Domain Name System (DNS). Usually, this can be done through the website builder that you choose to use. Alternatively, you can register your domain through a separate website hosting provider.

Build a website for your rental business

If you have the skills to build a website on your own, go for it. If you feel that your time is more valuable by spending it elsewhere, it’s probably better to look for an outsourced website developer.

Even though the trends of web design are in constant change, some things are timeless. The purpose of a website is to provide information through the content. Successful eCommerce websites make that information transfer simultaneously attractive, fun, and efficient while ensuring that the purchase decisions and actions are easy to perform.

A good image with a simple headline and clear call-to-action are enough to grab the attention of your website visitors and communicate what your company is about.

Website Layout

Building your website starts with choosing the right website layout. The layout’s role is to deliver the website content in an intuitive, clear, and efficient way. Luckily, website builders offer various customizable templates allowing you to focus on editing the content and telling your brand’s story.

We have all visited websites and turned back in the first few seconds because something on the landing page just made you lose your interest. It might have been because of a poorly designed website without a point of focus.

Clean and fresh websites have clear sections for the content and let the content “breathe” by having enough whitespace. Whitespace is the empty area on your website that surrounds your content. To be just empty space, whitespace has a significant role in highlighting essential elements such as call-to-actions, separate independent sections, and create an overall crisp and pleasing appearance for your website.

Once you have the attention, you can gradually start presenting more content and tell more about your offering when the visitor scrolls down or clicks links on your website.

A key takeaway is not to tell everything at once. A website with a content overload can be overwhelming and exhausting for the visitor.


Make it easy for your customers to find everything they need on your website. Straightforward navigation and well-designed user journeys that end up to the conversion ensure the continuity and smooth browsing flow for your customers. Try to avoid dead ends where your customers are forced to turn around and go back.

To highlight your most important products and services, you want to showcase them first and make them BIG. Strategic positioning of your most important products and services make it easier for your customers to understand what your company is about.


“If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.” -Blaise Pascal

Good copywriting is a form of art. While you want to avoid overwhelming your customers with excessive amounts of text, you have to provide sufficient information about your products and services.

One of the cornerstones of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), adds a twist to the principles of writing good copy on the web. Supposedly you want your website to be visible and rank above your competition in Google. In that case, you have to know how your customers are searching for information about similar services you offer. Performing keyword research and adding the most potential search queries into the content can considerably boost your search engine visibility.

Anyhow, a good rule of thumb is to keep your copywriting simple and write your website content human, not a search engine, in mind.

Customer support

Even though the people who prefer shopping online are not expecting customer service as personal as in brick and mortar, the role of customer support is huge in eCommerce. Besides offering assistance to your customers when they need it, online customer support builds trustworthiness towards your website and brand.

A minimum requirement is to include up-to-date contact details of your company. A customer support email address and phone number creates a sense of certainty. To add clarity, you can communicate an estimated reply time or service hours.

Live support via online chat has become more popular during recent years. The speed and ease of communication via chat lower the threshold for asking for help. If you decide to implement an online chat on your website, you must commit to providing fast replies during the working hours. Otherwise, the chat loses the whole point of the fast and easy way of communication.

“How to” articles, FAQ section, or even a blog are great ways to tell something more and create a context for your products and services. “How to dress for a bike ride” or “Where to go and what to see” type of content helps the customer to get the most out of the rental equipment and create unforgettable memories. Remember, the happier the customers are consuming your services, the more likely they tell their friends about you and share their experience in social media.

Visual appeal

Just like in your shop outlet, consumers use their senses when they are shopping online. Where traditional brick and mortar shopping is a more multisensory experience, web consumers must rely more on visual sensing.

Visual appeal helps your customers to tune in with your site and your brand. Even though there is no universal answer on what is beautiful and not as people have different preferences on what they find attractive, the visual elements should support a smooth browsing experience and highlight your services’ best aspects.

It means that, for example, the typography, colors, and images on your website have a significant role in shaping the overall experience.

Once your website is up and running, it’s time to connect it to a rental booking system.

Why? Well, there are still many companies accepting bookings via email and phone calls, even with 67% of consumers preferring making bookings online because it is convenient and saves time.

To find out all the undeniable benefits of having a rental booking system integrated into your website, visit our original blog post.

This post was originally published on our blog and was redacted for Medium.
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Eliisa Lukjanova
Editor for

Content creator & artist at heart