Offering rental app benefits without having one: introducing customer repurchases

Eliisa Lukjanova
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2020

The new repurchase option

The new repurchase option is like having your own rental app for your customers.

Customers will now receive order confirmations as text messages together with links for the rental overview. This includes a live time tracker where the customer can see the time left on their rental.

The feature also allows your customers to extend their rentals on the go easily from their mobile devices, with the payments being charged automatically through the same page.

The app-like rental overview shows the customer’s order details with a live time tracker.

Efficient usage of equipment

Buying equipment for renting isn’t cheap, which is why you want to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth. This means having your gear rented out as much as possible so it does not only pay itself back — but also bring profit.

With the possibility of extending orders, your equipment that would otherwise may be left unused for the rest of the day, get a chance to be put in good use. It not only means that you’ll get your money’s worth, but it also means that you’ll have an additional way of generating more revenue.

Avoid double-bookings

Giving the customers the opportunity to extend their booking on their own means taking away the need for you to get involved in confirming the extension or repurchase. While this eases your job and saves your time, it presents a possibility of extending the rental over someone else’s booking, resulting in double bookings. This, on the other hand, leads to confusion on the inventory management’s side, as well as displeased and disappointed customers, which is something we all want to avoid at all cost.

The feature is flawlessly linked directly to your rental inventory and booking calendar. This means the feature will only offer the extending possibility when there are no conflicting bookings with the equipment in use and handle the payment straight away.

This means no double-bookings and more revenue without any headache.

Extending the booking time & handling the payment is all done on the same page.
In case the product is not available the ‘’app’’ will notify the customer and not go through with the extended booking.

Building customer loyalty

The new repurchase option allows your customers to overlook and handle their orders with ease from whatever device is most convenient for them. The added flexibility and convenience to the whole renting experience will improve customer satisfaction, as well as their relationship with your brand.

Like the saying goes — first impressions matter. If the overall experience for a first-time customer is smooth, there’s a high chance that they could become loyal customers in the long-run. Longer engagements with your brand also means a higher possibility of them coming back to your business, over and over again.

Thanks to the latest update, your ecommerce rental software can now offer even more seamless renting experiences for your customers.

We’re currently trying it out with selected customers, and excited to roll it out for everyone to use very soon. If you have any questions or would like to start using it already, be in touch at or via our chat!

This post was originally published on our blog and was redacted for Medium.
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Eliisa Lukjanova
Editor for

Content creator & artist at heart