Why your business should have a ‘’Book Now’’ -button on its Facebook page

Eliisa Lukjanova
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2020

Utilizing social media for business purposes

Social media once served the purpose of keeping people connected — now, it plays a major role in the business world. Majority of businesses know the importance of having online presence and have multiple social media channels. However, many still do not utilize them for business purposes, even though in essence, these are often the first places where customers find them.

Here are some facts on social media platforms and consumer behavior:

👉 On average, over 1.73 billion people log onto Facebook on a daily basis. This is a 11% increase in year-over-year.

👉 Back in 2018, over 55% of online shoppers made a purchase via a social media channel — and the number is growing.

👉 In a few years, people’s attention span has dropped from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.

👉 Adding a CTA to your Facebook business page can increase your click-through-rate by 285%.

Why would you need a call-to-action button?

Consumer behavior has evolved over the past years, to where even our attention span has dropped to 8 seconds. This means companies have to make the shopping experience extremely easy and fast in order to keep the customers’ attention.

Facebook especially offers many tools for increasing sales and by driving your page traffic to important sales channels. One easy-to-use feature that every business should take advantage of is the Book Now -button.

It really is that simple: Setting up a CTA directs traffic to your online rental shop, which can increase your number of bookings!

How to add the Facebook ‘’Book Now’’ -button?

Check out the whole article to find out!

This post was originally published on our blog and was redacted for Medium.
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Eliisa Lukjanova
Editor for

Content creator & artist at heart