Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2017

Have you ever wondered about the longevity of your furniture? Or maybe if sleeping on a bed is better than on a mat? Or something as basic as where the world “Table” was derived from? If you are the kind of person who loves fun trivia, here are 10 facts that we know you’d absolutely love.

That’s roughly 8 years! (WOW)
He is the first living person to be honored by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1983.
What are sofas for anyway, right? 😉
And that’s where the word Table originates from. Now we know!
Wouldn’t you love to have an antique at home? Well, we can’t get you that, but we sure can help you out with an amazing bookshelf for your home.
And that’s what you call a portable bed! 🙂
Well, not necessarily. If you rent furniture instead, you can save upto 40% of your money. Just saying.
Charles Darwin is best known for his work as a naturalist.
Did you know? The word “chair “came from a Latin word “cathedra” meaning ‘sit’ & ‘down’.
Might as well make it a 100%.

That’s all for now. We hope you learnt something new.

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P.S. This was originally posted on blog Rentomojo.




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