Auschwitz Birkenau, German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp奧斯威辛集中營

Oświęcim, Poland, UNESCO World Heritage Site

Cho-Chun Huang
UNESCO World Heritage Site & Travel


Auschwitz Extermination Camp is a sad place for visit.


I think they have two main camps in Poland, when I went to Poland, I didn’t go to Auschwitz II, but I still felt no good when I was there.


Is the environment could be changed by the event? I really think so, I’ve saw many places which changed by the event, this event could be the policy of the government, the People’s mind or the War. This Extermination Camp existed for Hitler to persecute Jewish. At that time, Hitler provide very poor facilities and building here for Jewish to live here. and a lot of Jewish also had been killed here. I think this history had been deep influenced the Extermination Camp here. until now, this place still influenced by people’s emotion.


When I first came here, My very first impress was very sad and heavy here, my whole emotion had been influenced by the environment. There didn’t have a lot of shack view , only some few building and some photo could makes me feel sad. even the time has been pasted for very long long time.


arbeit macht frei

I can not image how could people do this only for one’s own desire or one’s personal opinion of humanity value. but it did happen at the past time. and it happened everywhere, when I pass the entry of the Extermination Camp, I have seen the slogan on the gate : “arbeit macht frei”, which means “Work makes you free.” I believed at that time, this slogan could be the only hopeless for the prisoner. and it might be ironic, because all the prisoner knew, once they had to be send here, they won’t have much chances to leave.

我無法想像當時的人如何可以只因為一人的慾望或者是人種觀點,而對猶太人進行迫害。但是過去確實是有這樣的事情發生的。而且在以前,這種事情到處都有。當我要穿過集中營的大門時,我看到了大門上經典警語:“勞動將讓你獲得自由” 我相信在當時,這樣的標語,在這些囚犯眼中,只是一絲絲希望罷了。而反諷的是,這些犯人應該也都知道,他們一但被關進來,就很難有翻身的機會。

I think the Extermination Camp is simulate with S21 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. which was the senior high school, and constructed to the political jail by Pol Pot. In Pol Pot’s opinion, every one could be Political,so he killed a lot of people in Cambodia. When I was at S21, I also had the same feeling like my first impress at Auschwitz Extermination Camp. when I saw the photo of that time and the equipments that they used, I really felt difficult there, that kind of the place really let me feel bad.

我覺得奧斯威辛集中營與我曾經去過的柬埔寨金邊的S21 監獄,有異曲同工之妙。S21本來是座高中,在紅色赤柬的波布執掌政權後,將它列為政治犯的監獄。偏偏波布是很遵行文革的人,所以只要你識字,或者是有一點蛛絲馬跡讓紅衛兵覺得你有叛國的嫌疑,就會被抓來這裡嚴刑拷打一番。不管我在奧斯威辛集中營或者是到S21,當我看到那些虐待犯人的設施與照片,真的讓我覺得非常的難過。

When I walked on the street, I saw some students visit there either. They are Jaws also. some people wear the Israel flag at behind, I don’t know what were their feeling when they saw this heritage, Do they feel sad also?? or they had no feeling there, because this story was happened at their grand father’s time.not theirs. who knows?? anyway, This place is the big legacy after world war II, and I think this place has the deep value of education in human history. It might be the bored, but meaning legacy of the world.

當我在街上行走時,我看到一些學生跟我一樣來這裡參訪。他們都是猶太人。有些人甚至把以色列國旗披在身後,我不知道這些學子們來到這個地方會有什麼感覺。他們是否一樣也會感到悲傷?有或沒有感覺…… ?因為這些東西是跟他們的父母或祖父母比較有關係,跟他們無關……或許他們這樣想吧,誰知道呢?總之,奧斯威辛集中營是第二次世界大戰所遺留的一個重要遺產之一,我想這個遺產應該也會在人類的歷史上有著很重要的教育意義,這不會是一個有趣,但是卻是意義非凡的遺產之一。

The Selection criteria of Auschwitz Birkenau, German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp as below:

6.“is an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural, or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates a significant stage in human history”



Auschwitz Birkenau, German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp奧斯威辛集中營

Oświęcim, Poland, UNESCO World Heritage Site

