Białowieża Forest 比亞沃維耶扎原始森林

Hajnowka, Poland, UNESCO World Heritage Site

Cho-Chun Huang
UNESCO World Heritage Site & Travel


Europen Bison

I am still proud of this trip, This trip could be 1 of my favors trip.


I had some trip, which can not be planed before—(I couldn’t enough information in Taiwan.) But I still want to go, so I decided to make the decision when I arrive there. Białowieża National Park is the one of this type.


In this trip, I met a lot of friends who assisted me to be there, I have never know that I have to change another train in Ostroda, (actually normally they don’t changed only that day changed) some friend helps me to change the right train (even it is just only at the opposite site at the platform.) I have never know that I have to change the bus to instant the train for a little part of the railway.( they were fixing the railway, again, only in that period.)

Thank You Nicolas

在這一段旅程,我遇到很多幫助我到達這裡的朋友。我從來不知道我必須要在Ostroda站換車(其實一般來說,他們不會換車,只有在那一天換車) 還好有朋友協助我換到正確的火車( 儘管只是在月台的另一邊) 我也從不知道還有段路段我必須要換成公車,來代替火車(剛剛好他們在修理鐵路,一樣,只有在那一個時期。)

Finally I arrived Bialostok. Even I arrived there, which the main city in East Poland, I still need to find the way to go to Border Town— Hajnowka, then to Białowieża National Park. so I have to take 2 differents buses to go. but the distances between Bialostok and Białowieża National Park is not that long, It just spend around 2 hours, so I arrived Białowieża National Park around the lunch time.

最後,我終於到了比亞韋斯托克, 儘管它是東波蘭最大的城市,我還是需要找車子再去邊境小鎮— 哈伊努夫卡,然後再換車到比亞沃維耶扎原始森林。這一段路程還是要換兩段車。但好在距離都不太遠,大概兩個小時就可以到達,所以我在中午的時候就到達比亞沃維耶扎原始森林。

Orthodox building

The Eastern Poland is quite special for me, I am the Buddhism, I’ve never seen Orthodox before I went to Eastern Poland. Orthodox building style is quite special for me, the building is kind like castle style. and the cross is different. It was a new thing to me.


The Cross of Orthodox.
the bicycle trail

Finally, I arrived Białowieża Forest. First at all, I was looking for the hostel to stay over night, then go to the truism information center to check how can I visit this National Park. I saw there are many bicycle for rent and ride, it seen special for me, so I rent a bicycle to ride.

Actually there is around 40 lines of bicycle trail in the national park. The one I ride is not next to the road, it was the individual trail. so that was my first time to ride the bicycle oversea country.





I’ve always tried to add some different items in my trip. Animals is the item either. wisent was my main reason to go here, and I finally see them in this trip. wisent is the European Wild Cow (or Bison) in Poland. it was one of the endangered Species. so it is not easy to see then other places. Poland is the only place where has the captive breeding center. so when I know this information there, I was very exciting and can’t wait to see the wisent.



I can not describe how happy I was when I first saw those wisent. I passed all unsure issue and move forward, finally see the real animals in front of me. In fect, I didn’t image how would I do if I saw them or not. I just move forward to try to achieve it, Even care I didn’t have that many information. then finally I see them. it might be nothing for somebody, but for me, it is the successful experience, to encourage myself to move forward this way in the future.


Let’s talk about the forest. People who want to visit Białowieża Forest has to hire a guide to lead them, It was not cheap for the guide. so at the beginning, when I knew the price, I decide not to go for the budge issue. after I came back from the captive breeding center. I met a couple from Denmark,They wanted to go to the forest. They were looking for people to join them, to share the guide. It was the chance for me to go to the forest. so I was in, then they found a France, 2 German to join the group, so finally, we (6 people), hire a Polish guide, to move forward Białowieża Forest.

我們來講講森林吧!! 一般來說,進入比亞沃維耶扎原始森林是一定要請導遊的。導遊費並不便宜。所以當我知道導遊費用後,決定不要進去森林,因為超出我預算太多了。但當我從歐洲野牛人工繁殖場回來後,我遇到了一對丹麥夫婦,他們也想進去森林,所以他們就開始揪團,分攤導遊費!!這真是一個天大的好機會呀!! 所以我馬上就加入了,後來,他們又找到一個法國人,兩個德國人,總共6個人,雇用一個波蘭導遊,往入比亞沃維耶扎原始森林前進。

The Entry of Białowieża Forest
The Polish guide are guiding us.

After the trip, we start ask the members of the group where did them live in Białowieża Forest. then we realize all of us were living in the same hostel. actually there is only one hostel and one hotel in Białowieża Forest. so how amazing of our relationship!! at dinner time, We ate pizza and drink beer together. discussed the Olympic Game in Beijing, It was a nice and special experience for me. The special Trip— Białowieża Forest


The Selection criteria of Białowieża Forest as below:

(vii)“contains superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance”



Białowieża Forest 比亞沃維耶扎原始森林

Hajnowka, Poland, UNESCO World Heritage Site

