Historic Town Of Vigan 維甘古城

IIocos Sur, Philippine. UNESCO World Heritage Site

Cho-Chun Huang
UNESCO World Heritage Site & Travel



I really Love Vigan Town.


This place is still developing—if you want to said it in Modern way. Even through this place is very close to Laoag—Where is the biggest city at north side of Luzon Island. but I think the local are trying hard to keep their traditional way here.


This small town mixed many different multi-culture. not only Spanish and Fillipine , but also Chinese, and the U.S culture, It began to become their own special culture—little bit simulate with others, but it’s totally different.


Yap , It is little bit same as Luang ProBang in Lao.


I went to another Spanish colony country before—Peru. so I did see some Spanish culture in other country, but I would like to see would the culture things changed if they managed in two different place. when I first come here, I think it is not that too much different.



You can see the above pictures, one was takeing at Cuzco., Peru, one was takeing at Vigan Town. Don’t you feel it is almost simulate?? I feel the same building style when I first come here, and I feel the same attitude of people’s working . it is quite starge.~~.



I’d also take the picture at the night time, andI really feel the whole enviornment are same.


I did really feel that I was at the 18 century in Philippine when I was here. I did have same feeling like I went to Torun in Poland or Cuzco in Peru before the trip. It just like times just stop here, and not to passed anymore. I am happy to see the same feeling in Asia Countries.


So, I just find out another beautiful way of Philippine.




The Selection criteria of Historic Town Of Vigan as below:

2.“exhibits an important interchange of human values, over a span of time, or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning, or landscape design”

4.“is an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural, or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates a significant stage in human history”


Historic Town Of Vigan 維甘古城

IIocos Sur, Philippine. UNESCO World Heritage Site

