Historical of the City of Arequipa阿雷奇帕舊城區 

Arequipa,Perú, UNESCO World Heritage Site

Cho-Chun Huang
UNESCO World Heritage Site & Travel






它也在安第斯山脈上面,只不過他的海拔沒那麼高,所以初到這裡時,冰涼的冷空氣讓人覺得舒適。巴士站就有one day tour的選擇,可以在這裡booking 之後,再乘車到市中心去玩one day tour。

I really think Arequipa is a amazing city.

When I was searching the information about here, To be honestly, I didn’t have any strong idea to come here, I through Lima is enough, why should I come to the main city twice?

But after I came back from Peru, if you asked me, which city would I like to come again? I will recommend here no doubt.

I think Lima is too hot, it is just a city in a desert. Cusco is too high for me, I got the mountain sickness when I was there. it was really really terrible headeche. but Arequipa, it is the only place I felt comfortable in Peru.

Arequipa is located at mountain Andes. but it is not that high. so when I first came here, I really felt comfortable with the cold air here.

You can select the one day city tour at the bus station, then take to taxi to go to the city center for one day city tour.

Nazca到Arequipa 的長途巴士





When I first came here, I realize the different between Arequipa and Lima.

Lima is a international mordent city, and the located is closed to the sea. so people in Lima could accept the new things easier, so you can realize that Lima people like to wear the mordent cloth as we are.

But when I came here. It makes me feel that I was at the real Peru. You can notice that the clothes that people were wearing here are same as we imaged. and I started understand that why people said if you want to know Peru, then go mountain Andes.

而且,當我親眼看到了白色之城之後,心裡只有一個字: “美!!”



When I see the “White City” here, I only have one word in my heart—— BEAUTIFUL.

I read a lot of information about here before I came, I read that people suggested to be here.but no body tell why should be here. When I came here, I finally understand why people suggested here.

I really feel beautiful of this city. and If I only use the “White City” to introduce here, then I can not describe here either. this place is too beautiful for describe by the words.


The beautiful of this city is not only itself, but with the weather. The weather of this place changed often.sometimes it is sunny day, after 10 minutes, it might become the raining day. and it can make the this city to looks like different. no metter you came here with sunny day or raining day, I believe you will be also in touch of this place.



It is not only weather makes Arequipa special, the local people also, it makes this different looks different, and it can not find out at the internet or some other information.

I learned some new feeling during the day trip here, so I really think it is valued to come to Peru!!!




The Selection criteria of Historical of the City of Arequipa as below:

1. “Represents a masterpiece of human creative genius”

4.“is an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural, or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates a significant stage in human history”

Historical of the City of Arequipa阿雷奇帕舊城區

Arequipa,Perú, UNESCO World Heritage Site

