Lines and Gerglyphs of Nasca and Pompas de Jumana納斯卡與朱馬納草原的石刻線條畫

Nazca, Perú, UNESCO World Heritage Site

Cho-Chun Huang
UNESCO World Heritage Site & Travel


Let’s go~~


This place is at the countryside, but it is the famus travel sight in the world.


No body knows how it happened, and we will never know, coz that’s no Nazcan in the world anymore.

它,距離利馬要開400 公里。方圓百里也都是沙漠,因為這個點,這裡有建設成一個小鎮,但這個小鎮 “真的” 非常的小。

This place is 4oo KM south from Lima, Located in the desert. Its became the small town here for the tourism, people from all the world. But this is REALLY the small town.


I have to show you some experience.


The tourism industry in Peru is developed, which means you can get any tourism source easy here. I brought our all tickets in backpackers at Lima, which included the long distance bus tickets for whole fallowing trip, the air ticket for Nazca, the Transportation for the fallowing trip. and I were double check with the internet price, the backpackers offer the same price with me. so I was booked there, to save my time.


I was thinking to take the long distance bus from Lima to Nazca from 3:00am to 9:00 AM. and take the night bus from Nazca to Arequipa—which is the secound biggest city in Peru.


Therefore, during the time in Nazca, we might need to carry our 2 begs to walk around Nazca.


This is the way we have to think and figure it out. I was thinking to put our beg at bus station, then when we go back to the bus station at night, then we can take it back.


That was the way I decided to do.


but I got the great service there, it deep touch to me, and I felt warm there.


When we arrived the bus station, I heard people call my name far away, it a old guy wait for us there, after some easy confirmed, they asked us to put the beg to the car, and asked us to take another car. due to he doesn’t speak English, so he tried his best to useing his body language to let me understand. then some people come to help him to explain me: “he asked you to put the beg in his car, them go to the airport to experience the Nazca Line first, he will bring our beg to his home stay, and after the fright, please go to their home stay for rest. and everything for free, you can take shower there or just take rest……!!” How sweet it was!!

我不知道我自己訂會不會有同樣的服務,因為在網路上看到好多人都是借放在某處。像我這種全部委托利馬的Backpackers 代訂的,並沒有看到太多。不過,這樣的一個舉動,真的讓我還滿感動的。

I don’t know if I would have the same service if I booked by my own. because I saw people’s experience before,The most of them are leaves their beg in some where. It’s not many people like me to ask the backpacker in Lima to booked all the things, so I was deep touched in this small thing.



Let’s pull back to the main article, The air plain at Nazca is not that big, they are all small flights. I think one flights can get only 5 or 6 people, more or less. We had some sample check in, make the payment for guarantee, finally we get the flight.

我發現一件很特別的事情。小飛機的設計機頭是直接朝著空中的,所以在陸地上來說,駕駛如果要從正面的玻璃往外看,是沒辦法看路的,所以他們都打開駕駛座兩旁的窗戶,來看路,緩緩開向起飛跑道。 要開始起飛前,才使用機頭的玻璃。

I saw something interested. those flights are too small, so if yuo see the shape of the flight, you will see the front of the flight is facing to the sky, not the road. so the pilots couldn’t see the road at the front of the airplain. they have to see the road at the side window until they take off.



Finally, the flight took off, after move for a while. I heard the voice from the earphone, that was the voice from the pilots. that’s something on the grand. after few minitues. I’ve started see a lot off amazing pattern on the grand. like the space man, the monkey, the spider, the Hummingbird, or the phonix…… it was so unreal to seen them on the grand.



It was so amazing to see those pattern. maybe I did saw some information on TV or in the books, but when I started to plan this trip, when I started to collect the all information until I see all of them under my knee. I really don’t know how to describe it. it was so AMAZING.


聽著機長一直喊著 “Monkey, Monkey is over there,See?? oh, Spider, there, you see, Don’t worry, Don’t worry… we will retune back to see again……” 聽久了也是滿煩的……。

After few minute, I started feel uncomfortable. due to the pilots want every body to see those amazing partten. so they usually make the cycle for right and cycle for left. at that time, I was focus on makeing the nice photo, and it made me started feel uncomfortable. and the voice was another issue. when you started feel uncomfortable, then you still some voice said: “Monkey, Monkey is over there,See?? oh, Spider, there, you see, Don’t worry, Don’t worry… we will retune back to see again……” It made me feel more uncomfortable.


我突然覺得, “大老遠來到這個地方,不是為了要照相的,而是為了要好好的用身體,用心去體會這個地方,拍照是為了紀念,但是那畢竟只是輔助器具,重要的是現在,在這裡,眼下是納斯卡線,我應該是要好好的體會才是”。

When I tried to take those nice photo, and makes myself feel headache. I stop take the picture. and just take the short break, at the moment, I started realize one important things…..

I suddenly feel that: “I took so much times to come here, I am not here to take the photo back to my world, I should feel the beautiful sight with my body, with my heart, but not with carama. it just a function for report, The most important moment is now, I should focus to feel it, not only take photo!!!”


The camera might be good for let you report all the beautiful things. but I think the most interested thing, is your real life now. How to let yourself to be happy? or how to gratitude all your moments, You should take your heart to take the photo all the time. no matter if you are in travel or not. try to report all the beautiful things in your mind or in your heart. I think, that is the interested of the travel.





The Selection criteria of Lines and Gerglyphs of Nasca and Pompas de Jumana as below:

1. “Represents a masterpiece of human creative genius”

3.“bears a unique or exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilization which is living or which has disappeared”

4.“is an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural, or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates a significant stage in human history”

Lines and Gerglyphs of Nasca and Pompas de Jumana納斯卡與朱馬納草原的石刻線條畫

Nazca, Perú, UNESCO World Heritage Site

