Medieval Town of Toruń 中古世紀古城—托倫古城

Toruń, Poland, UNESCO World Heritage Site

Cho-Chun Huang
UNESCO World Heritage Site & Travel


The Torun City

Torun is the puzzle for me.


I through maybe I have seen so many same kinds building building or City in Poland before I went to Torun, so I really don’t know what’s the special of Torun. Why it is the one in the World Heritage list?


Nicolaus Copernicus 哥白尼像

If you read the blog written by the Taiwanese backpackers who have been there, you would see the most of people says it is famous, because it’s Nicolaus Copernicus's birth place. but I don’t think this is the main reason to let it be the World Heritage site.It should be something else.


so I decided to go from Gdyansk, I took the train in the morning, and take around 2- 3 hours, I arrived Torun.


Torun train station is not next by the town, I have to pass a bridge, and walked around 15-20 minute, to arrive the old town.


The Bridge to go to Torun前往托倫的道路

I think the best view to see Torun city is when you stand on the bridge. this city looks very peace and soft, maybe you could heard some car noises behind you, I think it is another way to prove the activity of this city.


As I said at the begining, maybe I went to Warsaw and Gdyansk before I came here, If we only discuss about the building, I really feel nothing special in this town, the only thing I felt different was the building of Torun looks bigger than somewhere else, and in Torun, I saw a lot of building built by brick, The most public building built by the brick. They are huge, and not that colorful compare with other city. It is the only ways saw different.but I can feel the whole environment of the town is old, It can make you feel like you are not at the modern city now, but a Medieval city. still, I am so confuse why Torun can be in the list of World Heritage. Maybe it just what Torun is, and it is why Torun can be in the list: the It’s not big, without high population, but a peace and soft city.

就如我一開始所說,或許是我來到托倫之前先到了華沙與格丁斯坦,所以如果只單純討論建築的話,我真的覺得這裡的建築跟其他地方沒甚麼不同,勉強有不同之處的話,我想我會說這裡的建築都比較大些。而且我在這裡看到了不少紅磚的建築,幾乎所有的公共建築都是用紅磚建立的。這是我唯一看到幾點不同之處。但是我可以感覺的到整個城市周遭給我的感覺滿不一樣的,它會讓我感覺我不是在一個現代化城市,但真的是在一個中古城市的感覺。當然,我還是不太明白為什麼托倫古城會被列為世界文化遺產,或許就是因為它現在的這個樣子,就已經中古世紀的樣子了吧!! 一個不大,沒有多少人口,但是和平與祥和的城市。

The Selection criteria of Medieval Town of Toruń as below:

2.“exhibits an important interchange of human values, over a span of time, or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning, or landscape design”

4.“is an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural, or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates a significant stage in human history”





I went to some other countries after Poland Trip, and I saw quiet lot of World Heritage Sites around the world. Some of them are really makes me feel amazing, Some of them I really feel nothing. Although I’ve got those feeling, or judgement, but recently, I start realize that just my own feeling or opion. The reason why those Historic Place can be high value in the world, is exactly what they are, they don’t need to change. so I asked myself, why I compare/ judge those place?




Medieval Town of Toruń 中古世紀古城—托倫古城

Toruń, Poland, UNESCO World Heritage Site

