Pre-ICO: What is it and how does it work?

Filip Dite
Published in
4 min readAug 31, 2020

In the crypto world, an initial coin offering (ICO) is what’s considered the IPO of crypto ‘stock’, although with some differences. Firstly, you aren’t going to own a share in the future company, and secondly, the ICO has to be connected to a blockchain.

Instead, crypto-tokens are offered in a ‘crowdsale’, which allows anyone to buy and fund a company in its pursuit of some groundbreaking technology that’s said to rock the crypto world. Often, only a limited number of tokens are offered, which can be sold in exchange for Bitcoins or flat money. Companies like Ethereum and Waves have successfully managed to raise millions from their ICOs.

These tokens can be traded or exchanged for use of the completed product or service. And since the number of tokens are limited, their value can potentially increase a lot after the ICO depending on the success of the project.

Get in early, win big with Pre-ICO

Pre-ICO, as the name suggests, is a presale event prior to ICO. It’s basically a purchase event that offers even cheaper prices for a very limited amount of tokens. In this way, the development company can get funding for its ICO or use it to complete their product. Some companies have experienced hugely successful presales, such as Telegram, which raised $1.7 billion in 2018 and Datum, which raised $1.5 million in 2017.

Buyers, on the other hand, can get bonus schemes and even gain a pretty big ROI if they sell their crypto-tokens for a higher price later when demand goes up.

Just taking a look at what the USD ROIs (at the time of writing) since the ICOs of projects like RingX (2.02x) and FinNexus (4.13x) and UMA (21.73x) shows just how much investors stand to gain from investing in a Pre-ICO that offers even lower prices than the initial coin offering stage.

How it works

The Pre-ICO sale usually happens a month a two before the ICO, but it could take a week or more. After verifying its potential audience, tokens are offered to investors. There is usually a minimum and maximum value per person as well.

Pre-ICO might sound like a cinch to get, but in fact, it’s not that easy. They are commonly offered to a limited number of investors and can finish in seconds even. So if you’re interested in the pre-sale, it’s always better to stay up to date with the latest news.

Pre-ICO tokens

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