Your Social Media Doom-Scroll Maybe Impacting Your Fashion Choices

And you may not be happy about it!

Replenish Earth
Replenish Earth
4 min readApr 27, 2021


Have you ever scrolled through Instagram only to be lured by its ads and onto the feeds of fashion/makeup influencers and then to retail websites? And has this pattern led you to making purchases that you did not plan on making when you had first clicked on the innocent looking app icon?

Replenish Earth x Goa Institute of Management

The students at the Goa Institute of Management must have, because they did an entire research project on the Impact of Social Media on Fast Fashion in collaboration with Replenish Earth!

Poster credits : Jishnnu

The fashion industry as we all know, has a disastrous impact on the environment being the second-largest polluter in the world! And like most businesses, the fashion industry also thrives on online retail and social media marketing. Seems like over the years, social media has changed not only the way in which we communicate but also how we behave as consumers! Would it be shocking to know that we possess 5 times more clothes than our grandparents did? This phenomenon of ‘more is more’ has everything to do with the rise of fast fashion.

What is Fast Fashion?

The term fast fashion is described as the replication of the latest (and short-lived) trends through mass-production at very low costs. The speed with which they manufacture cheap, disposable and bad quality clothing makes us feel continually outdated and urges us to purchase more often. It is a highly profitable business model and the number one cause of modern day slavery, environmental degradation and labour exploitation in many developing countries.

Ever wondered what’s the relationship between Fast Fashion and Social Media?

Infographic credits : GIM students

India has the second highest number of social media users in the world. The report examines the relationship between the social media usage of college students (within the age group of 20 to 30) and their fast fashion buying behaviour. It also looks at how advertisements, influencers and brand pages on different social media sites impact these consumer patterns. The students collected copious amounts of data through self administered online questionnaires.

Asking the Right Questions

The research concluded by acknowledging the harsh reality in countries like India where not many people are aware of fast fashion and its perils. Consumers have only started to ask manufacturers and retailers the right questions like ‘who made my clothes?’ and ‘how much were they paid in the process?

Slow Fashion

Those who are aware of these environmental and humanitarian concerns of fast fashion have little to no avenues to explore the possibilities of slow fashion, making it seem like a rather unachievable goal. Yet, there is immense potential owing to India’s rich heritage of indigenous textiles and crafts, a budding array of up and coming sustainable and ethical designers, and a population of millennials who want to align themselves with the sustainability and zero-waste movements, there is immense potential for sustainable fashion to thrive in the Indian market.

Can Social Media Inspire Positive Action?

The study also goes on to prove that the level of interaction with fashion pages on social media is a good predictor for buying behavior and that social media can in fact be used as a powerful tool to promote sustainable fashion brands. It is especially helpful when the study has concluded that consumers prefer when brands use social media promotions to give information about and sell their products.

About the Project

This research project was undertaken by students at the Goa Institute of Management under the guidance of Prof. Divya Singhal and Replenish Earth as part of their Research Method Course. The course is mandatory at GIM and has been designed to provide students with a practical introduction to research techniques and concepts. The 6 member team of PGDM students from GIM, worked with Replenish Earth, an environmental service firm which focuses on ecosystem restoration by advising business on strategies to transition away from non -renewable resources.

The aim was to understand how social media affects our fashion choices. The project equips students in both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of research and in applying suitable research tools, teamwork, and brainstorming for professional success.


Based on my interactions with students, I can say that the experience of engaging with Dr. Tia Kansara and her team has been very enriching for them. In terms of understanding the project scoping, taking into consideration the clients requirements and accordingly finding best possible tools/techniques, I think live projects are more beneficial. I am also glad to know the support and guidance rendered by Replenish Earth to the student group.

- Prof. Divya Singhal

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Photograph by Priteish Maru

Replenish Earth, a cause and a collective action to protect the global commons — the natural resources we all share. Replenish Earth is focused on ecosystem restoration, with a multidisciplinary approach to creating a positive impact on earth including and not limited to education, eco-therapy (physical and virtual), eco-products, eco-futurism.

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