[The Speakers] How automation will change the future of shopping

Reply U
Reply U / The Speakers
4 min readJun 27, 2018


June and July have always been special months for us at Reply: not only for the beginning of summer but also because our biggest event takes place!

The Reply Xchange is our annual event where we present the state-of-art of tech, while trying to imagine the future of Automation, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Digital Experience, Intelligent Products & Services and Internet of Things… in other words, 4 days (in 3 different countries) all dedicated to innovation with more than 4,000+ participants and 140+ speeches by 250+ speakers!

And all following our knowledge sharing way of thinking, from Replyer to Replyer! ;)

But how does it feel to be a speaker at the Xchange and how can you become one? Let’s xchange few words with Shyam of Retail Reply, who had a speech at the Xchange in London!

Hey Shyam, please introduce yourself!

I’m a consultant at Retail Reply, focused on automation.
My job is about helping clients assess automation opportunities and implementing solutions around RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and Artificial Intelligence.

You had a speech at the Reply Xchange in London: what was the topic?

Our presentation was focused on store digitization and the future of physical retail. We wanted to show how brands need to evolve their retail stores due to several challenges and showcase our competency and automation trends that will shape how people shop and experience physical stores.

And how did you hear about digitization first?

At Retail Reply, we specialize in retail architecture and automated retail design with an aim to transform the industry. We have a store digitisation offer where we aim to analyse the client’s customer strategy and their brand, after which we help transform their store and integrate connected technologies to create and implement an omnichannel strategy. A lot of retailers don’t currently realise that which is why we wanted to present this.

How did you feel while preparing and delivering your speech at the Xchange?

We initially brainstorm and create a proposal after which we usually sit with our Business Unit lead to refine it further. Once the presentation is created, we usually practice it in advance and have an initial feedback session with the marketing team. After that, we have a dry-run at the venue in front of our Executive Partner for further feedback with an aim to refine the presentation as much as possible. Its more like a lean process with a ‘build, measure, learn and reiterate’ mentality.

Which opportunities do you find in Reply that can support your research?

Reply provides vast opportunities in terms of learning outside out of work — that can complement your work or even grow the skills you really want to. There are what we call labcamps and bootcamps — with 2 hour to day long intensive session either introducing a topic or going deeper down. These courses vary from different technologies, to strategy and soft skills.

Now, 5 key facts we should know about automation and digitization!

  • Over 90% of customers are multi-channel customers, customers use on average 5.6 channels — we see a lot of retailers forget about retail stores and their digital interaction.
  • 86% of touchpoint before purchase still comes from physical retail stores.
  • Automation technologies ranging from RPA to augmented reality will be key in transforming the role of the store
  • While there are technologies that stores can adopt — it is important that technologies and concepts cater to what customers want — customer experience is key.
  • Frame, Discover, Create and Mobilise (Design thinking framework) is key in analyzing feasibility and integration in physical stores.

How do you imagine the future of automation?

Automation — both from organizational focused and customer focused automation — will transform the future role of physical stores. This will have to cater to seamless transactions, focused marketing, customer experience, lean operations and great overall understanding of the customer.

As a student, how can I learn more about it?

Design thinking courses, artificial intelligence books and value proposition mapping books would be good to refer to. Thinking of stores as a customer is key!

One reason why a student should join Reply! :)

Agile, small and great teams — the network enables you to communicate with global colleagues and innumerable opportunities to learn!

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Reply U
Reply U / The Speakers

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