Can Apple surprise us? Smartphone iPhone 11 is powered by the new A13 processor

Nikita Ivanovsky
Published in
6 min readSep 25, 2019

Apple made a traditional presentation on September 10, the main novelty — three new iPhones. This year can be considered unique for Apple smartphones — for the first time we saw the design of the iPhone 9 months before the presentation. Back in early January 2019, a well-known insider with the nickname @Onleaks published a render of a new iPhone, then such a design looked implausible. But now it’s already possible with a 99% probability that the iPhone 11 will look just like that. In one publication we have collected all the available information about the iPhone 11 before the announcement.

Image credit © Apple

Of course, it is likely that Apple decided to deceive everyone, and specifically launched misinformation on the Internet. But it’s easier to believe that the company intentionally merges information to foster interest in the presentation. In any case, we will soon find out the truth.

Old models with a new name

This year Apple introduced three smartphones, they are called: iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max. This is a direct continuation of the iPhone XR, XS and XS Max models. It is unclear why the company switched from Roman numerals back to Arabic?

Interesting, the iPhone 11 will be a direct continuation of the iPhone XR — now this is not an additional model in the lineup, which many have called the budget, but the basic version. This step seems logical because according to US sales reports, the iPhone XR sold better than the XS and XS Max. This also suggests that buyers of iPhones are not chasing excess characteristics.

Stylus pen, seriously?

There are rumors that the stylus will appear on the iPhone 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max. That is, the prefix Pro in the title has a reference to the iPad Pro tablets, for which the Apple Pencil is released. But there is a problem — the current stylus for tablets is much longer than even the largest XS Max, this is a strange solution.

We have three options — the most plausible that Apple will not add stylus support to iPhones. Second, the company will release a smaller version of Apple Pencil specifically for smartphones. And the third, weirdest, iPhones will receive support for the latest pencil from the iPad Pro 2018, and it will have to be worn somehow separately in a bag or pocket.

On the other hand, the company needs to somehow justify the Pro prefix in the name of the iPhone 11. One of such tools can be a stylus.

Design with a new twist

In this regard, everything is stable. For the third year in a row, Apple will try to show us the same design, but with one difference — the design of the main camera module will change. Now all the lenses are hidden in a large bulging black square with rounded corners. At first, such a camera design looked strange, but after a while everyone was used to it. After the announcement of the iPhone X, there were also many complaints by everyone about the hated “cutout” on the screen.

But otherwise the entire line of the iPhone 11 will not be any different from last year’s models, even the dimensions will remain the same. But the old iPhones’ cases will not fit the new one because of the large camera module. Do not forget that Apple loves to make money on accessories.

No Surprise Display

The iPhone 11, like last year’s iPhone XR, will have a 6.1-inch IPS display with a resolution of 1792×828 pixels — this is the good old Retina with a pixel density of 326 ppi. Perhaps the new matrix will become a little brighter, clearer and something else, but you should not expect a fundamental changes in display’s quality.

In the older iPhone 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max, everything is the same as before — the display diagonal is 5.8 inches and 6.5 inches, but the matrix is ​​OLED.

Unpleasant news awaits fans of 3D Touch, if any. A lot of rumors say that in new iPhones the company will abandon the technology of recognizing the force of pressing the screen. Most likely, it is expensive to manufacture and not so necessary, and almost all actions can be replaced with a long finger hold — this is already done in iOS 13. We are waiting for an explanation from Apple.

One more camera

The iPhone 11, the successor to the iPhone XR, will have a second telephoto camera for double optical zoom and portraits. All sensors shoot with a resolution of 12 megapixels.

In the iPhone 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max, a third camera will be added to this set — wide-angle, also with a resolution of 12 megapixels. Such a lens is mainly useful to photography enthusiasts in order to capture a steep landscape or use optical distortion for artistic purposes. For household photography, it is of less use: unless you take group photos of family and friends so that everyone fits in one frame, or take a picture of the whole room to announce the completion of the apartment.

The idea of ​​an additional lens with a very wide angle was started to be promoted back in 2016 — the modular LG G5 was one of the first (remember this?). It took Apple three years to adopt this idea. Now a wide-angle camera can be found even in budget smartphones, but usually they are inferior in quality to the main cameras.

A Bloomberg report said that Apple in the iPhone 11 will show a new level of mobile photography through software processing. Using algorithms, the smartphone will collect images from three cameras at once (two in the case of the regular iPhone 11) and combine all into one. While this sounds too incomprehensible, we hope that at the presentation the company will share the details.

Still as powerful

All three iPhones are powered by the new Apple A13 processor. It will not show anything surprising as for autonomy, this is a usual evolutionary development — there will be that set of six cores, as in the Apple A12, and the maximum clock frequency will be raised to 2.66 Hz.

On the Internet, there is already allegedly the first Geekbench test result of the iPhone 11, in which the smartphone scored 5415 points in single-core mode and 11294 points in multi-core. In the work of one core, a performance increase of 12% was obtained compared to last year’s iPhone, and for all cores the difference is at the level of error. Let’s wait for real tests and comparisons.

But manufacturer will add more RAM — in the iPhone 11 will put 4 GB, and in the flagship 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max even more — 6 GB. Let’s see how an increase of 2 GB of memory will affect the work of older models.

What else?

Rumors say that in the iPhone 11 Apple will abandon the Lighting connector in favor of a universal USB Type-C. Thus, this connector will become standard for all devices of the company, except for the Apple Watch and AirPods. One cable will charge the iPhone, iPad and MacBook.

But there will be an alternative for headphones, reversible wireless charging will work in iPhones — that is, it will be possible to put new AirPods on the iPhone 11 cover, and they will charge wirelessly. This is already in the smartphones Huawei and Samsung, not surprising.

But what you should not expect is the release of the iPhone with 5G support. Analysts and sources report that Apple is not yet ready to switch to a new generation of communications, it was postponed until 2020. It seems that specifically for this, the company bought a modem unit from Intel. In any case, there are few places in the world where 5G really works, it makes sense to wait.

There will also be no return to the fingerprint scanner. There were rumors that Apple is preparing a special version of the iPhone with Touch ID for China, but most likely it will not appear this year. But in iPhone 11, the Face ID face scanner will be able to work with an even wider viewing angle. This, for example, is useful for cases when the phone is on the table.

